In article <CKMPb.270139$>, wrote:

> Gernot Hassenpflug wrote:
> >  To start, what's your
> > bets about when the ski-jump will appear in published drawings for the
> > new DDH design?
> If they copy the Italian Garibaldi half-scam, well after the ships was 
> laid 
> down.
> I'll propose another Naval bet: what name they will have ? I bet Hosho 
> and 
> Ryujo, wchich will be nicely translated into "Experimentation" and 
> "training". Surely the follow-up class (whose, if I have understand 
> correctly will be enough larger and of 5-6 ships) will have more mean 
> names 
> (at least for US ears).

In all fairness, Japanese warships tend to have rather friendly names 
having something to do with nature. Just because you call something 
"floating chrysanthemum" or "cherry blossom" doesn't mean it won't act 