On Tue, 06 Jul 2004 05:24:13 +0900, Ernest Schaal
<eschaal@max.hi-ho.ne.jp> wrote:

>in article k2hie0pr56t910abceci7is04r97vqj3jo@4ax.com, Raj Feridun at
>rferid@NOSPAMyahoo.co.jp wrote on 7/5/04 9:07 PM:
>> http://www.sundayherald.com/43167
>> So much for immoral.
>> Raj
>There was a truce, which you broke. I will respond only to the point you
>raised, which is whether the subsequent announcements make your action any
>less immoral. (I will assume that you admit that your action was illegal,
>under US and Japanese law).

You're welcome for the link. I know you're a lawyer since you've
mentioned it in here enough. This was for your information. 

Thanks anyway for the lecture.


PS I didn't make any of the arguments you outlined. I downloaded the
Moore movie as I said. As you can see in the article I posted he is
urging people to do so so long as they're not profiting personally off
of it. I was aware of this before I downloaded it. He made the movie
and HE owns it. He wants it to be seen and is free to do with his own
intellectual property as he sees fit regardless of what some lawyer

As far as point-to-point and intellectual property theft in general I
am making no excuses for it nor am I defending it. I didn't even bring
it up. This was about this specific film.