Re: Kaworu created from Ritsuko?
Somewhere around the time of 08/31/2003 20:13, the world stopped and
listened as Psaiyan Prince Vegeta spoke these words of wisdom...:
> On the EoE DVD commentary track there is a reference made to a 'fan
> theory' that Kaworu was somehow created from Ritsuko (IIRC they say
> something about 'in the same way that Rei was created', so I assume
> that they're talking about using Ritsu's DNA)
> I realise that its probably just a bullshit theory that some crackpot
> pulled out of thin air and proposed on a messageboard that Amanda
> Winn-Lee happened to be reading, but does ANYONE have any clue
> whatsoever as to where this idea came from and what it was based on?
> I have watched the series in its entirity over the last couple of days
> with this in mind and I cannot find a single piece of evidence that
> even *hints* that Kaworu has any relationship with Ritsuko whatsoever.
You are absolutely correct. Kaworu could be considered Rei's brother,
but in fact, Rei is a clone while Kaworu is not. They even look alike.
The person who stated that fact is just talking nonsense.
Daniel Rudy
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