"Bill Tuthill" <ca_creekin@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> Barry Twycross <barry@netbox.com> wrote:
> >>
> >> And not becuase the PC industry inevitably picks the crappy product
> >> because it's a few cents cheaper?
> >
> > Its more than a few cents, its 25 cents.
> >
> > FireWire costs 25c a system to licence, USB is a flat fee of $1500
> > (possibly for ever) or maybe $2600 a year.
> Who collects the 25c royalty?  I thought Firewire had become a standard,
> IEEE 1394, which appears to be available on Linux (www.linux1394.org)
> for free or perhaps with copyleft, I dunno.
> Why can't the PC vendors reimplement it as did the Linux community?

It's because of the license fee that more motherboards/devices use USB over