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In article <gqb8v8$can$1@localhost.localdomain>
        pleaseno@spam.com writes:
 |Path: news-haigo!norn-news!netnews.mcu.or.jp!mmcatv.co.jp!jpix!newsfeed2.kddnet.ad.jp!newsfeed2.kddnet.ad.jp!newsfeed.freenet.de!newsfeed00.sul.t-online.de!t-online.de!tiscali!newsfeed1.ip.tiscali.net!draco.tiscalinet.it!news-f2.tiscali.it!not-for-mail
 |From: Maranello Engineering <pleaseno@spam.com>
 |Newsgroups: japan.test
 |Subject: SGM kart racing engines
 |Date: Tue, 24 Mar 2009 19:32:08 +0100 (CET)
 |Organization: Maranello Engineering Srl
 |Sender: root@localhost.localdomain
 |Message-ID: <gqb8v8$can$1@localhost.localdomain>
 |Lines: 16
 |X-Trace: 1237919528 news.tiscali.it 700
 |X-Complaints-To: abuse@tiscali.it
 |Xref: news-haigo japan.test:3540
 |Dear Sirs, pardon me for posting here but I didn't find go-kart specific groups in your area.
 |On this site you can buy all SGM products: all models of race ready engines and also every genuine spare part by browsing the online catalog and the exploded drawings (about 600 different parts).
 |We ship worldwide.
 |Buyers are entitled for email assistance; servicing, repair and tuning at the factory are possible too.
 |Maranello Engineering Srl