Re: Japnese man seized hostage in Iraq
On Tue, 02 Nov 2004 14:06:28 +0900, Brett Robson
<> brought down from the Mount tablets inscribed:
>Kevin Gowen wrote:
>> Michael Cash wrote:
>>> I did indeed notice that. I was going to cut-n-paste the client list
>>> from the website, but that would make it possible for others to google
>>> up the name of the firm and I know you're waiting a bit before making
>>> that info public here.
>> Of course, it will be public information soon enough once my records are
>> up on the bar's website, but I appreciate that.
>> This reminds me that I have an update to email to you.
>> - Kevin
>You got a job did you? Well done.
>Are you going to be a funky Motown loving lawyer like Ally McBeal
>or a hard earnst defender like The Practice?
Think "Matlock" (
Michael Cash
"I am sorry, Mr. Cash, but we are unable to accept your rap sheet in lieu of
a high school transcript."
Dr. Howard Sprague
Dean of Admissions
Mount Pilot College
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