On Mon, 24 Nov 2003 16:25:09 +0900, Raj Feridun
<rferid@NOSPAMyahoo.co.jp> belched the alphabet and kept on going

>On Mon, 24 Nov 2003 10:10:23 +0900, Michael Cash
><mikecash@sunfield.ne.jp> wrote:
>>On Sun, 23 Nov 2003 21:06:20 +0900, Raj Feridun
>><rferid@NOSPAMyahoo.co.jp> belched the alphabet and kept on going
>>>Hey, you don't need to tell *ME* about road rage. I grew up in the
>>>tri-state area of NY-NJ. Road rage is a way of life.
>>>This post was very refreshing. Thanks!
>>I live in the tri-prefecture area of Gunma-Saitama.
>See my response to Ryan on the tri-state area. Man, this group sure is
>filled with smartasses. 

Oh, you noticed. Any flies on you are paying rent, that's for sure.