Re: Just what is so special about Rei Ayanami?
On 19 Jun 2003 15:02:59 -0700, (Jule) wrote:
>Man, what you don't know about women is a lot. Women are people. You
>come from a place of assuming that they are inferior.
No, I come from a place of assuming that men are *not* inferior -
contrary to what feminists and the damn liberal media (at least in the
UK) seems to enjoy ramming down our throats on a regular basis these
days, judging by the number of TV shows and adverts poking fun at
'useless' men and male sexuality...
> Women with this
>"willpower" you assume to be ballbusters, because they have the nerve
>to not put up with assholes like you.
I am not an asshole. I simply know what I like and find attractive in
a woman. A bad attitude and a political agenda is not one of those
things - thus I am not drawn to those women who display these
attributes. I do not attempt to change, control or opress anybody. I
just find it disgusting that women who happen to be perfectly happy
with the way they have chosen to live their lives are accused of being
'doormats' by those who seem to think that equality = superiority.
>Like another poster said, there's more to life, yo. Life is better if
>you treat people--women and men--the way you yourself would like to be
>treated. POsting this crap only proves how little you think of
>yourself, so much that you have to dump on an entire gender. Hire a
>therapist and deal with your issues. Leave women the hell alone.
I am not downing an entire gender - only the stupid and intolerant
people within it.
Reverend David "PPV" Hawthorne -
ICQ: 260681668
I wish that I could turn back time,
'cos now the guilt is all mine.
Can't live without
the trust from those you love.
I know we can't forget the past
you can't forget love & pride,
because of that, it's killing me inside.
/ HENTAI \========@
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