Re: Dorodango
Declan Murphy wrote:
> Are there no fj'ers working in an open plan office whereby a trebuchet
> might be properly deployed? Scott works from his futon in his pajamas
> or birthday suit, JohnW from his bathroom, Mike Cash worked from his
> truck, 2-Belo from a cave somewhere that he commuted to from a cave in
> Gifu, Charles from the American Club for all I know, and others from
> padded cells etc. What sort of company am I keeping?
I don't go near the American Club ... well, not since The Incident, at
least. Frankly, after the western food, (which you can get with a
lower-cost membership at the Foreign Correspondent's Club), and the easy
extramarital affairs, there isn't a whole lot else that makes the
American Club worth going to.
I mostly work on the JR Highway Bus between the house in "inaka" and the
manshon in "town" when I am too lazy to drive or when I am going to
visit people who get pissy over being called on by a gaijin wearing
motorcycle leathers (or a dripping rain suit) and carrying a helmet and
laptop bag.
But, the prospect of a trebuchet firing exchange in a moving bus does
have certain attractions, now that you've mentioned it ...
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