Is that the best you can do? Woodward recorded all the interviews. He has
the tapes and will produce them if necessary. Bush and the white house are
not denying anything. Tonight on Larry King, he and Woodward talked to the
Saudi Ambassador, Prince Bandar. He said everything Woodward wrote was true.
Sorry, the Bush gang really pooped in their mess kit this time. You can try
to argue your way out of it but by doing so, you will be calling your hero
draft dodging mamma's boy a liar too! What a dilemma for you!

"ME" <> wrote in message
> jeboba
>     Your a brainless idiot! Please do not reproduce.
> " <> wrote in message
> news:G6cgc.11568$
> > Woodward's book was written from INTERVIEWS WITH BUSH HIMSELF! If you
> > Woodward's book lies, then you are calling Bush a liar. I'm afraid your
> boy
> > has been caught this time! Bush is going down! Wait til the news media
> > FINALLY picks up on the administrations ties to the "Project for New
> > American Century" which was founded by Cheney, Rumsfeld, Pearl, Rove,
> > Bush, and others. It started advocated the invasion of Iraq in 1997! You
> > think those guys didn't get into office with plans for Iraq LONG before
> the
> > election? THEY picked Bush as the president because they knew he was too
> > dumb to object to anything they told him to do!