On Fri, 19 Jul 2002 14:44:21 -0700, "Disaster"
<disaster@disfanfic.net> wrote:

>"Tessai" <Tessai@cryogen.com> wrote:
>> "Disaster" <disaster@disfanfic.net> wrote:
>> >......... A dill lubs you Tessai! I find this very ammusing! I'm really
>> >having a hard time not laughing!
>> *thwaps Disaster for being silly* I like women, and women only. But
>> hey, if he appreciates the DVD rip I've done, then who am I to say
>> _HOW_ he should express it... Oh well... *thwaps Disaster again*
>That is so not what I was thinking!

So what... It was still a good excuse to thwap you a couple of
times... ^_^


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