Re: I'm Usama bin Laden, and I approved this message
On Wed, 03 Nov 2004 22:20:25 +0900, SaSaSushi <> wrote:
>On Wed, 03 Nov 2004 19:59:51 +0900, Eric Takabayashi
><> wrote:
>>Raj Feridun wrote:
>>> On Tue, 02 Nov 2004 21:12:43 -0500, Kevin Gowen
>>> <> wrote:
>>> >> No, I think one is declared innocent of the crimes once they've been
>>> >> acquitted.
>>> >You think wrong. Nothing of the kind is declared. There is a very good
>>> >reason why the verdict is "not guilty" rather than "innocent".
>>> It means Clinton is declared not guilty of the specific offenses for
>>> which he was charged. He is legally blameless. Spin it all you like.
>>Do you believe not prosecuted or not "guilty" equals "did not do"?
>No, I believe it means that the prosecution has not proven beyond a
>reasonable doubt that the accused committed the crimes for which they
>were accused of. All accused in the USA are considered innocent until
>proven guilty. What do you think?
Oops, posted these under my alternate nym.
Friggin Usenetserver lost a server and I've had to switch to Giganews
for the past 12 hours.
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