The 2-Belo wrote:
> CL totally sneezed all over with a withering cloud of snot:
>> daffy wrote:
>>> I taught ESL in Japan from 1997 to 2000, and spent my first year
>>> working for AEON. I was stunned to hear of Nova's bankruptcy
>>> yesterday, because they were a monster during the years I was in
>>> Japan. I was wondering if anyone here could tell me how AEON has been
>>> doing, and if there's been any talk about how Nova's implosion might
>>> affect competitors like AEON?
>> Asking once would have been enough ...
>> But, since you did ask, the chances of AEON going under are somewhere 
>> between slim and none.  Unlike NOVA which was just a one-trick pony of 
>> an Engrish factory, AEON is a part of AEON Group which is something like 
>> equal in size to the Japanese government in employees, income, and 
>> number of buildings owned.  You may recognize various AEON Group names 
>> like Jusco, Carrefour, Mini Stop, Max Valu, or Kasumi from your time 
>> spent here.  AEON Engrish Skule is a tiny little part of all that.  And 
>> AEON management has this funny little habit of letting small things that 
>> don't make money or don't make a lot of money just keep chugging along 
>> if it creates more goodwill for the parent company than the loss hurts 
>> its bottom line.
> Hmm, I thought they were completely different entities? They read as such in
> Japanese (イーオン versus イオン). I don't think the English school is a member
> of the Aeon Group.

You might be correct.  I didn't read the following carefully and thought
it meant that they were being monitored instead of doing the monitoring:


And their corporate profile doesn't show the parent company as related.

Interesting (or not) that they're an Okayama company.  Doesn't anyone
from Kanto Engrish at a national level?

... and only 26 full-time employees ....
