On Thu, 29 Apr 2004 10:20:27 +0900, "Elbow"
<tokyoelbowNOSPAM@totalise.co.uk> brought down from the Mount tablets

>I'd like to know if me or my wife is responsible if one of us is sued.
>I had a slight accident with my car and found out my insurance will not pay
>out for some reason I cant go into here.

Let me guess....

Is it because you were driving without a license? Or because you were
driving on an international license when technically you shouldn't
have been able to? Something like that?

Or because the car and insurance were in your wife's name and the
policy didn't cover you driving it?

Or something simple like your insurance policy simply didn't cover
that sort of accident?

Surely you weren't DUI?

>The other car owner is now saying that because my insurance wont pay up and
>I dont have a job he can get the money from my wife.

Whose name is the car registered in?

>Is this true? Is she just as responsible for what I do regardlessof  if she
>was even inolved?
>Love to know where I stand.

I'd love to know why people always look to us for legal advice.

>Im only really interested in the law, not if I can get away with out paying.
>I'm happy to pay but not happy they think they can harrass my wife every day
>with phone calls.

Contact an attorney.


Michael Cash

"I am sorry, Mr. Cash, but we are unable to accept your rap sheet in lieu of
a high school transcript."

                                Dr. Howard Sprague
                                Dean of Admissions
                                Mount Pilot College