"Hokousha" <hokousha2001@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> "Musashi" <Miyamoto@Hosokawa.co.jp> wrote in message
> > "wasabi" <shibuya@excite.com> wrote in message
> > > That was then, now is now.  Most modern Japanese don't think that way.
> > >
> > Again,. maybe in the cities. Go to the boonies where being a "gaijin"
> > you're from the city, not another country.
> No, I think he may be right. Even out here in the countryside, one of
> the first questions people usually ask is what country I'm from. If
> there was a strong presumption that all foreigners are American, they
> probably wouldn't do that. It's the same with older people, too, like
> war veterans. You may just have to face the fact that the country is
> becoming internationalized. Well, at least a little bit.
> Tim

Good to hear that