Scott Reynolds wrote:
> I was under the impression that it was tit for tat with the Americans. 
> If Japanese visitors to the US have to be fingerprinted and 
> photographed, the Americans should have to go through the same 
> inconvenience when visiting Japan. Oh, and since we can't single out the 
> Americans we'll just apply the new rules to all foreign nationals 
> entering Japan.

I think you are right. Of course, they could have been like Brazil
and introduced fingerprinting *just* for Americans.  8-)}

> I honestly think there is no more to it than that. As many have pointed 
> out, this new system will do absolutely nothing to deter terrorism.

What? How can you say, or even think that?  You'll have your passport
cancelled if you're not careful!

Jim Breen
Clayton School of Information Technology,
Monash University, VIC 3800, Australia