Seq: To the Supreme Court (--2004.12.19(JAPAN))
The victim has not received any responses without receipt Emails
from the US professional journals, one for 3 years and 2 months,
the other (2-page manuscript) for 1 year and 3 months.
I think some bosses in the institute, who, with the professors of
Kyoto University, had asked many editors to reject the victim's
manuscripts many times, returned those responses without notices
or stopped this time, so I asked the Tokyo Prosecutor's Agency
several times to investigate the matters, but no reply.
Then, the severe headache injury to the victim has been increased,
which is the worst in the world, and 'inner voice' including four
letterwords inputted by someone else has been at the maximum volume
inthe world to let people to think the victim as dregs of Japan.
They think even if they are too vicious and devilish and did many
crimes to the victim, they will won by simply forcing to the victim
to go to the hospital by the above heavy injuries and acts of
violence after their detectable deed.
They seem to want to hide their all crimes by the above dirty means.
The Internet provider OCN (temporarily?) got rid of Mr. Right's
account somehow all of a sudden a few days ago.
: : :
DEC 17 (Fri), 2004 [***15 hours*** severe headache]
11 pm -- Dec 18 1 am: most severe headache (inevitable icenon)
11 am -- 3 pm, 4 -- 5:30 pm, Dec 18 1 -- 6:30 am: severe headache
7 -- 11 pm: headache
* 11/26-12/17: **251.5 hours** severe headache in 22 days.
* 02/03/02--04/12/17: **8765.5 hours** almost severe headache
* in 1026 days.
* About **16765.5 hours** almost severe headache in six years.
Yesterday the victim was damaged by the obscene (350 times for four
letter words a day) 'loud inner voice' inputted by A or malicious
medicalstudents, in the class (100 times), the institute meeting
(130 times), and the restaurant (100 times),...
On Dec 17, on his way home from the institute the victim was in
pain by caused severe headache and was suddenly shouted loudly
by a young man who opened a black window of an emerging van
on an icy road at about 11 pm,
DEC 18 (Sat), 2004 [**7 hours** severe headache]
11 am -- 1 pm, 2 -- 4:30 pm, 5:30 -- 6:30pm: severe headache
1 -- 2 pm, 4:30 -- 5pm: headache
* 11/26-12/18: **258.5 hours** severe headache in 23 days.
* 02/03/02--04/12/18: **8773.5 hours** almost severe headache
* in 1027 days.
* About **16773.5 hours** almost severe headache in six years.
DEC 19 (Sun), 2004 [***15.5+ hours*** (most) severe headache]
10 -- Dec 20 4 am: most severe headache (inevitable icenon)
5:30 -- 7:30 pm: severe headache
0 -- 1:30 pm, 7:30 -- 10 pm, Dec 20 6:30 -- 7 am:
almost severe headache
3 -- 5:30 pm, Dec 20 8 -- 8:30+ am: headache
* 11/26-12/19: **273+ hours** severe headache in 24 days.
* 02/03/02--04/12/19: **8788+ hours** almost severe headache
* in 1028 days.
* About **16788+ hours** almost severe headache in six years.
Besides the victim has been in the severe headache caused by
professor of Medicine, people in Sapporo city, Japan, and the US
have been deceived by someone like A, B, D; K; F (Kyoto University;
persistently shows his intention to being concerned with rejection
of the victim's manuscripts), I (initial) who obstinately personate
'the family of Emperor', the congressman, the governer, the minister,
or a member? of the supreme court, using false statements
for about 4+ hours.
Moreover, in the severe headache, the victim was damaged in the
bar (100 times), where a few citizens who hated the victim for
the input which did NOT originate from the victim, gave loud
coughs and rained down abuse on him, by the obscene 'loudest inner
voice' such as
("I want to suck XXX")
inputted by A or malicious medical students .
On monday early morning, the victim was also damaged in the
convenience store (40 times), where there are a few schoolgirls,
by the obscene 'loudest inner voice' which did NOT originate from
the victim and were inputted by A and malicious medical students
or the congressman.
Fnews-brouse 1.9(20180406) -- by Mizuno, MWE <>
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