On Thursday, March 31, 2011 5:47:48 PM UTC+9, Declan Murphy wrote:
> On Mar 31, 4:13 pm, chuckers <chuck...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I believe they did, in fact, get rid of the people that came around every other month (or whatever) for collections.  They still send people around to find new blood, however.
> They might still come round often, but I'm rarely home between lunch
> and about 4am, and often travel (sometimes for work, mostly for mild
> debauchery) on weekends. However I almost always get a call or visit
> after I renew a visa or update anything on my ARC.

It has also just turned April.  They seem to send them out around this time of year as well after people of just settled into a new area after a company enforced move.

Vaguely amusing story:

My neighbour is a Producer for NHK.  If I go out on my veranda, I can see the large screen TV he has in his living room (our houses are very close.  I am not a voyeur, honest!)  One day, while I was hanging out the laundry, I happened to notice he was watching something on NHK BS1.  I know this because I could see in the corner of the large screen TV, the notice that says "PAY YOUR NHK BILL AND WE'LL REMOVE THIS NASTY MESSAGE"
