Re: @@@@@ just celebrating aged a ritual aged the childhood is too spotty for Patty to aim it @@@@@
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In article <9449358285797858@> writes:
|Path: news-haigo!!!!!!!!!!!post02.iad01!!not-for-mail
|Message-ID: <9449358285797858@>
|Newsgroups: sci.crypt,japan.test
|Subject: @@@@@ just celebrating aged a ritual aged the childhood is too spotty for Patty to aim it @@@@@
|Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2007 21:21:53 GMT
|Organization: the conspiracys, uncertaintys, and circuits are all tremendous and evident
|Lines: 44
|X-Original-Bytes: 2321
|Xref: news-haigo japan.test:2843
|toll-collection to law enforcement to totally automated vehicles.
|* ITS may entail the collection of large amounts of information on the
|* travels of particular people, for example through the automatic
|* collection of tolls through road-side radio beacons that interact
|* with transponders attached to individual cars.
|* This information obviously invites a wide range of secondary uses, from
|* law enforcement to targeted marketing to political repression. The rules
|* governing the collection, dissemination, and protection of this
|* information have not yet been settled, although the decision-making
|* process is already fairly far along.
|* If ITS lives up to the expectations of its developers then it will have
|* implications for virtually everybody. Yet public awareness of ITS is very
|* low, and awareness of the privacy issues in ITS is low even in the
|* community of privacy advocates.
Fnews-brouse 1.9(20180406) -- by Mizuno, MWE <>
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