Your Business Travel Visa Info
A lot of business owners have established / franchised a business in
Australia, since Australia offers endless opportunities for it's
migrants, everything is possible to accomplish!
The business visa for Australia comes in two types, the temporary visa
and the permanent visa. The first thing you'll get, of course, is the
business temporary visa. Successful business owners who intend to
establish or manage a business in Australia gets the Business Owner
(Subclass 160) Visa. One of it's requirements includes that you must
have net business and personal assets of at least AUD$500 000.
Now, the business permanent visa or the so called Established Business
Owner (Subclass 845) Visa, is for temporary business visa holders. If
you have successfully established a business in Australia and wishes
to apply to remain permanently on business skill grounds this visa is
for you.
See for different
types of business visas for Australia.
If you're planning to start or franchise a business in Australia,
might as well seek immigration service to Australia from expert
migration agents before applying for your visa manually or visa the
If not, then try free online assessments at on any
types of Australian travel visas to see if you're eligible to apply
for the type of visa you want.
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