Bioprotocols online
Sciclips has launched a unique database of bioprotocols for
researchers. Researchers will have free access to these bioprotocols
which have been extracted from published journal articles and patents/
patent applications. We are the first to list protocols from published
US patents, US patent and WO (PCT) applications. We have thousands of
protocols on molecular biology, proteomics, biological imaging,
virology, immunology, stem cells, drug discovery, immunoassays, cell
biology, epigenetics, genomics, plant biology, microbiology, tissue
microarrays and more. In addition to this, we have also listed new
sections on high throughput screening (HTS) and biopharmaceutical
assay protocols. All the protocols are linked to the articles or
patent/patent application . Please follow this link to see the
complete list of our bioprotocols online:
Fnews-brouse 1.9(20180406) -- by Mizuno, MWE <>
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