On Jun 2, 1:35 pm, CL <flot...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> On 06/02/2010 12:38 PM, chuckers wrote:
> > On Jun 2, 11:36 am, CL<flot...@yahoo.com>  wrote:
> >> On 05/29/2010 01:55 AM, Declan Murphy wrote:
> >>> On May 28, 8:59 pm, "John W."<worthj1...@gmail.com>    wrote:
> >>>> On May 27, 7:58 pm, CL<flot...@yahoo.com>    wrote:
> >>>>> Tokyo-to, Ota-ku ... JPY480,000 ... in cash.  One time.  And they also
> >>>>> reimbursed the JPY400,000 for the basic hospital stay fee upon
> >>>>> presentation of the checkout paperwork.  Of course, the family Human
> >>>>> Being _did_ handle the paperwork.  The Animal just followed along behind
> >>>>> and pushed the stroller.
> >>>> I didn't know it was so profitable; my BYJW would have probalby gone
> >>>> home to have the baby had she known about this; that'd more than cover
> >>>> airfare.
> >>> I'm so (blissfully) ignorant about this, that I don't even know if it
> >>> varies from prefecture to prefecture (or city!?).
> >> Definitely differs from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.  The nice part
> >> about living in Ota-ku was that it has Haneda Airport and is the home
> >> address of the headquarters for a number of major corporations and/or
> >> had major factories that produced huge tax income.  That, plus
> >> containing Denenchofu and Kaminoge which are supposed to have the
> >> highest per capita incomes in Kanto.  They've had a budget surplus for
> >> the past 50-odd years (the only municipality in the country, they say).
> > Kaminoge is in Setagaya-ku.
> Really?  I coulda' sworn ...
> Those north-south Tokyu lines confuse me.
> > I think Ota-ku has really good benefits for those who have bred
> > because there aren't a whole lot of kids in Ota-ku and they are
> > trying to bring in the younger generation.
> They spend a lot of time / money pandering to the non-Japanese
> community, too.  You can get the monthly newsletter in about a dozen
> different languages and send out an annual questionnaires on what they
> can do to make it easier to live there.

Ota-ku is about 2% gaijin based on the last figures I could find.
(another rich-ish place) has about 10% gaijin population.  Normally,
gaijin have no voting rights, they would probably be ignored.  But
more than likely
they are paying in a HUGE chunk of the residence tax so they probably
see it
as a good thing to keep them happy and resident as long as possible.