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o From: のアドレス ................... 多分 ○
o Message-ID: のID文字列 ............. 多分 × (正規ドメイン名を含む必要あり)
        Microsoft Internet Newsをお使いでしたら、
        http://www.isoternet.org/~asada/msin/ を参考に設定してください
o Date: のタイムゾーン ............... 多分 ○
o Newsgroups: のクロスポスト ......... 多分 ○
o Followup-To: のクロスポストとNG名 .. 多分 ○
o ヘッダの漢字コード ................. 多分 ○
o 本文の漢字コード.................... 多分 ○
o 伝達時間............................ 5 hours 55 minutes 38 seconds

In article <6xWAsiq1RhK57FX4F6KJg7@nihon.test.check>
        hedy@club-internet.fr writes:
 |Path: news.media.kyoto-u.ac.jp!newsfeed.media.kyoto-u.ac.jp!postnews.google.com!news4.google.com!border1.nntp.dca.giganews.com!nntp.giganews.com!nx01.iad01.newshosting.com!newshosting.com!post01.iad01!roadrunner.com!not-for-mail
 |From: Hedy Harley <hedy@club-internet.fr>
 |Newsgroups: nihon.test.check
 |Subject: [da8c] - AgentBot 4.2/32.1117 - Beta 05 - [d10c]
 |Organization: Hedy Harley
 |Message-ID: <6xWAsiq1RhK57FX4F6KJg7@nihon.test.check>
 |X-Newsposter: AgentBot 4.2/32.1117
 |Followup-To: alt.binaries.freeware
 |Date: Thu, 08 Mar 2007 12:31:10 -0100
 |Lines: 212
 |X-Complaints-To: abuse@rr.com
 |Xref: news.media.kyoto-u.ac.jp nihon.test.check:1118
 |AgentBot is a free Forte Agent addon utility toy.
 |This version of AgentBot has only been tested on WinXP.
 |* Warning *
 |This program was created to make war on warez, crack, porn and
 |gay scum via email, ftp or newsgroups. This program cannot be
 |used for and will not work to enhance any type of abominations.
 |* Posted location of the AgentBot program itself *
 |From: lavinia@cgocable.ca (Lavinia Brigid)
 |Newsgroups: alt.binaries.freeware
 |Subject: [0dac] - AgentBot 4.2/32.1117 - Beta 05 - [32b4]
 |Message-ID: <vLjztHXAut5NlSeKgXKygH@alt.binaries.freeware>
 |Followup-To: alt.binaries.freeware