Re: Nintendo DS sticks a sword down PS3's throat - DRAGON QUEST 9 on DS, not PS3
El Guapo wrote:
> "Rob Browning" <> wrote in message
>> On 12 Dec 2006 00:32:53 -0800, "AirRaid" <>
>> wrote:
>> Wow, how stupid. Putting a main-line title from one of the most
>> popular video-game franchises on a portable? And right after they
>> decided to bring the series' look to a modern-day level? What the
>> hell is Squenix thinking? (Probably the same thing it was thinking
>> when it decided to make one of its other major series' iterations an
>> MMORPG; that is to say, nothing.)
> Yeah! Putting the game on a system that's still selling like
> hotcakes and has a huge installed base is just CRAZY. What's wrong
> with these people? Shouldn't they be putting it on the console that
> has near zero market share in Japan (360) or the console that costs
> $600 and has serious production problems (PS3) or the console that
> just came out and is selling very quickly but will take years to
> catch up to the DS in installed base assuming that it isn't just this
> holiday's fad (Wii)?
Fuck that! Atari 2600, where the REAL gamers still are!
Hey, if it worked for FF VII, it can work for DQ.
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