Medgya wrote:

> The subject line sort of says it all. I'll be visiting Tokyo sometime
> next month from inaka-land and wondered if there are good shops for
> components -- tires, wheels, gear cassettes, pedals, etc, etc. Just
> ordinary road bike stuff, not high-end racing gear (though the racing
> stuff is nice to see, too). Not much to choose from out here, which is
> strange. It's great country for cycling.

The bike shop on the upper floor (8C or 9C, IIRC) of Tokyu Hands in 
Shibuya _used_ to have cases and cases of Campy components.  I didn't 
see many the last time I was there but the staff guy told me that they 
were splitting their components between Shimano and Campy and going to 
set up displays again.  I rebuilt an early Seventies Magneet Sprint 
Deluxe tourer using Tokyu Hands-sourced components and have the scars 
from their pricing system to show for the effort.  That was back when 
they didn't have much competition and their pricing showed it.

Last time I was there was in the Spring when they normally have piles of 
Giants, Peugeots and Bianchis hanging everywhere and very few parts. 
You can buy the same complete bikes in Okachimachi for around 60% of the 
Tokyu Hands prices.

If you want to talk to gearheads, a couple of the guys at Tokyu Hands 
can give you advice.  At their prices, they can afford to.  There are 
several bike / sports shops in Okachimachi, starting with Hakusen, which 
is on line.  The guy who runs the shop in Ota-ku on Kan-nana dori 
(almost at Tamagawa Ohashi ... I _think_ the address is in Rokugo) and 
is the local rep in that area for Trek really knows his stuff.  You can 
find him through the Trek Japan web site.  If you don't have a car, be 
prepared for a long hike to his shop as it is halfway between stations 
on about three different train lines and they're all about 3~5 km apart 
out in that area.