Jueves, 28 de Noviembre, 2013 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoam$(D??(Brica
(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iv$(D??(Bn Valarezo)
Never worry about anything; instead always pray and thank about everything that concerns you and that of your loved ones, and friends, too, because our heavenly Father is always listening to your prayers in the name of Jesus Christ, so He may personally supply your needs by the amazing powers of the Holy Spirit that daily descends upon all the nations. For we have many things to thank our heavenly Father in Jesus Christ$B!G(Bs name, because He did not only sit down with Abraham and his friends to eat the bread and wine served daily from the Lord$B!G(Bs Table by His Son Jesus Christ as our only possible Righteousness on earth and in heaven, but also He granted us heaven$B!G(Bs glories forever.
Meaning also that as our heavenly Father sat down with Abraham and his friends at the Lord$B!G(Bs Table to eat the bread and wine that represents as always the sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood of His Chosen Lamb, our Lord Jesus Christ, then He was also given us to inherit everything that lawfully belongs to Him on earth and heaven$B!G(Bs glories forever. Inasmuch as, it is our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs perfect will that every man, woman and child from all the families of the nations, starting with Adam and Eve from paradise, may become as rich as He is in all the heavenly glories and before His angelic hosts, so we may enjoy always everything that pleases His holy heart into ages to come.
In other words, our heavenly Father has given birth to each one of us into His image through the Holy Spirit$B!G(Bs powers thus to live according to His likeness and richness within the New Jerusalem from heaven above where our Lord Jesus Christ continues to be till now the tree of life that enriches everyone that loves our Father through his sacrificed-life. Meaning that, our heavenly Father sat down with Abraham and his allies to be served by our Lord Jesus Christ the bread and wine that can start a new enriched-life not only on someone that is to be born by the Holy Spirit from a barren-womb but also to cause you to be born again by the same powers into eternal life.
Certainly, it is this amazing birth from the powers of the Holy Spirit today that not only helps you to escape the spirit of error and the sinful world plagued with darkness since the start of time, but also helps you to live a glorious enriched-life with your loved ones despite Satan$B!G(Bs lies, because you have powers to live victorious always. Moreover, these are powerful richness that our heavenly Father has granted to each one of us as we have already sat down with Him at the Lord$B!G(Bs Table to eat the bread and wine that grants us eternal life filled with miracles, wonders, and great powers against all of Satan$B!G(Bs wilds, so you may live a peaceful and happy life these days.
And this is to live an enriched and prosperous life with your loved ones, including your friends from everywhere, because our heavenly Father has defeated Satan forever through the glorious lived, crucified, and resurrected-life of His Son Jesus Christ as his precious atoning-blood spilled abundantly all over the injured-rock again at Mount Sinai$B!G(Bs foot and at Jerusalem$B!G(Bs holy hill. For this bread that has descended from heaven above is our Lord Jesus Christ as God$B!G(Bs Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood that has our eternal life written since immemorial eternity filled with miracles, wonders, and great powers thus to pour into our daily lives without ceasing until kingdom comes, so the world may know that we are His legitimate children forever.
For sure, our heavenly Father has done these great things over the years within the life of every man, woman and child that believes within his heart for justice to confess with his lips for salvation His Son Jesus Christ, because He wants to have the entire world born from the Holy Spirit as everyone believes in Him through His resurrected Son. This is our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs ambition to have everyone within the nations, beginning within Israel, to believe in the superb sacrificed-life of His Son Jesus Christ as we eat from him the daily bread that has descended from heaven above, moreover drink the wine for eternal life filled with miracles to increase in power as the Holy Spirit lives in us.
It is the increase of the Holy Spirit presence within our hearts and daily lives that will certainly cause Satan with his lies to flee from us and from the entire world, too, until darkness disappears completely for His Son$B!G(Bs holy-life to shine greater than the heavenly places thus for the world to become eventually as paradise is to live forever blessed. For there is nothing impossible for our heavenly Father in this world and in the next one to come in heaven above for angels and for humankind only through faith within our hearts as we believe in the amazing sacrificed-life of His Son Jesus Christ, and so until the last man is born from the Holy Spirit and the world becomes paradise.
Historically, as our Father can give birth to life from within a barren-womb as in the case of Isaac and his mother Sarah$B!G(Bs lifeless-womb, then, He can definitely have you renter heaven$B!G(Bs glory instantly, by having granted us His only Son to be born from David$B!G(Bs virgin daughter thus for the nations to be eventually reborn from the Holy Spirit forever. For this is the only way possible that our heavenly Father is going to save every day every one from Satan$B!G(Bs wilds, moreover to cause every nation to become born from the Holy Spirit as their families center their faith in His Son Jesus Christ thus for the entire world to become eventually as wonderful as paradise is in heaven everlastingly.
Therefore, if our heavenly Father loves to save everyone from sin and death in hell$B!G(Bs torments through the resurrected-life of His Son Jesus Christ that is our only high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood possible to cleans us from sin forever, then he can also convert each nation by the Holy Spirit$B!G(Bs power into an eternal paradise on earth. And once every one is reborn instantly from the Holy Spirit$B!G(Bs powers that rains constantly from within the Holy of Holiest of the heavenly Tabernacle that Moses copy initially to make the one on earth for Israel, and the nations are born by the Holy Spirit$B!G(Bs powers, too, then Satan will had had descended finally to hell never to see life again.
This means that the life of every man, woman and child will never be touched by Satan$B!G(Bs lies much less by his wicked spirit of error that has caused the destruction of so much good in paradise, on earth and in heaven as well, meaning also that we will be free at last, never to know another lie forever into eternity. Surely, this is the life that our heavenly Father has for us, a life entirely liberated from Satan$B!G(Bs lies that has done so much evil into everyone$B!G(Bs life that loves, serves and worships our Father through His Son Jesus Christ that has defeated sin, the angel of death, and Satan by resurrecting on the third day by the Holy Spirit$B!G(Bs resurrection powers.
For these are the Holy Spirit$B!G(Bs powers that prevails in heaven within the heart and life of every angel, archangel, seraph, cherub, and other very holy creatures always standing before our heavenly Father thus to love, serve and glorify His holy name everlastingly, and these days they are descending into everyone$B!G(Bs life that confesses Jesus Christ as his Lord and savior. That is why that you need to sit down with your loved ones and friends at the Lord$B!G(Bs Table thus to eat from our Lord Jesus Christ the Thanksgiving$B!G(Bs bread and wine that he serves you before our Father and the Holy Spirit granting you the blessings that you deserve to live richly these days on earth and in heaven forever.
This Thanksgiving day you have a wonderful opportunity to have a great meal with your loved ones and friends as you sit with our heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit, so our Lord Jesus Christ may serve you just as he personally served Abraham and his friends the bread and wine for a new life to start with you right now. This is an amazing life that you will never get it anywhere else unless you believe within your heart for justice to confess with your lips for salvation Jesus Christ His Son that makes His heart so happy thus to pour abundant blessing after blessing upon your entire life, so people may know everywhere that you are loved in heaven these days.
Certainly, truth, mercy and grace will follow all the days of your entire life no matter where you may go on earth, because you have sat with our heavenly Father and His Holy Spirit to eat from the Lord$B!G(Bs Table the bread and wine that is daily served by our Lord Jesus Christ thus for truth and justice to be fulfilled perpetually. And if you fulfill truth and justice with our heavenly Father and His Holy Spirit as you sit down at the Lord$B!G(Bs Table to eat the Thanksgiving$B!G(Bs bread and wine that Jesus Christ always serves to angels in heaven and to mankind on earth, then you will walk in heavenly-powers manifesting amazing miracles every step of the way into heaven$B!G(Bs glory.
These are victories against problems, difficulties, infirmities, death and the threat of an eternal painful life in hell where there is no mercy, peace much less love for anyone but only demons and worms wanting to eat your flesh and drink your blood, because this is the only way they can somehow ease their hunger and calm their thirst in eternity. These days, on earth you may eat from the Lord$B!G(Bs Table the bread and wine that represents our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood filled with life that saves the living-soul of mankind from sin and hell$B!G(Bs torment, and if you fail to eat from Jesus Christ$B!G(Bs sacred-body then in hell you will be eaten by demons and worms forever.
Satan and his fallen angels have no part on the Lord$B!G(Bs Table, they can never eat the bread much less drink the cup of wine that is our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood that erases sin, moreover grant us abundant miracles and great powers on earth with humankind, and in heaven at last to enjoy life with the angels forever. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone everywhere, our Father will certainly be very happy with you in heaven$B!G(Bs glory if you part take of His Table to enjoy the Thanksgiving$B!G(Bs bread and wine that His Son serves you faithfully, so you may fill your entire life with powers that will turn into miracles each day until you may finally enter into heaven$B!G(Bs glory forever saved.
Therefore, never worry about anything, for you have great powers working constantly in your favor wherever you may go in life, since you have eaten from the Lord$B!G(Bs Table the bread and wine that blesses your heart, soul, mind, body and human spirit with powers that turn into miracles every time that you may need them to live a victorious life always. Remember, stay faithful to our heavenly Father as you allow His Son Jesus Christ to minister before His altar by the Holy Spirit within your heart, as your personal high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood that prays for your daily needs and future ahead, so you will never lack anything on earth and in heaven as you walk into glory. Amen!
DE JESUCRISTO SON LOS DESAPARECIDOS DE RIGA, LETONIA: En estos d$(D??(Bas, deseamos expresar nuestro amor, oraciones y condolencias a cada una de las familias de la ciudad de Riga, Letonia, en donde murieron cincuenta de sus hijos e hijas, cuando colaps$(D??(B inesperadamente el techo del supermercado, dej$(D??(Bndolos as$(D??(B sepultados entre los escombros a casi todos de los que se encontraban en el lugar. Cada uno de ellos se encuentra en la presencia sant$(D??(Bsima de nuestro Padre celestial, porque nuestro Se$(D??(Bor Jesucristo naci$(D??(B en el mundo para vivir sus vidas, para cumplir con el Esp$(D??(Britu Santo de los Diez Mandamientos y as$(D??(B ellos puedan entrar a vivir sus nuevas vidas eternas, en el nuevo reino angelical.
Ellos gozan de la presencia sant$(D??(Bsima de nuestro Se$(D??(Bor y salvador Jesucristo, porque as$(D??(B como caminaban con $(D??(Bl sus ap$(D??(Bstoles y disc$(D??(Bpulos por donde sea que el Esp$(D??(Britu Santo los llevase para exaltar grandemente el nombre bendito de nuestro Padre celestial en Israel, entonces as$(D??(B ellos tambi$(D??(Bn caminan con su redentor por donde sea que $(D??(Bl los lleve de la mano. En el para$(D??(Bso, cada uno de ellos es llevado a su lugar en donde naci$(D??(B del poder asombroso de la imagen sant$(D??(Bsima de nuestro Padre celestial para vivir por siempre conforme a su semejanza celestial, por toda la eternidad.
Y es aqu$(D??(B en donde cada uno de ellos entiende m$(D??(Bs profundamente como nuestro Padre celestial los ama desde tiempos inmemoriales, por medio de la vida gloriosa de su Hijo Jesucristo, quien es su perfecci$(D??(Bn y santificaci$(D??(Bn personal eternamente, para entrar a la vida eterna de nuestro Padre celestial y de su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo y de sus santos $(D??(Bngeles. Y $(D??(Bste era un lugar que nadie lo pod$(D??(Ba pisar jam$(D??(Bs despu$(D??(Bs de Ad$(D??(Bn y Eva, que nacieron de la imagen de nuestro Padre celestial por el poder del Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, porque las mentiras de Lucifer, por medio de la serpiente reveladas inicialmente a Eva para hacer caer de la gracia divina a Ad$(D??(Bn y a sus reto$(D??(Bos, lo imped$(D??(Ba perpetuamente.
M$(D??(Bs cuando nuestro Padre celestial hace un Pacto de Vida con Abraham y sus aliados, al sentarse juntos a comer del pan y del vino servido sobre la Mesa del SE$(D??(BOR por su Hijo Jesucristo, como el Rey Melquisedec, soberano de la Santidad de Dios en el cielo y en la tierra, entonces una nueva vida empez$(D??(B en la humanidad entera. $(D??(Bste Pacto de Vida le dio vida a Abraham, para que $(D??(Bl pueda tener finalmente un hijo del vientre est$(D??(Bril de su esposa Sara, porque ella no pod$(D??(Ba tener un hijo jam$(D??(Bs, dado que el tiempo para ella poder dar a luz a un hijo ya hab$(D??(Ba pasado, es decir que Sara ya bordeaba los noventa a$(D??(Bos de edad.
Y Abraham ya hab$(D??(Ba cumplido los cien a$(D??(Bos de edad, por lo tanto, la probabilidad de $(D??(Bl poder tener un hijo con su esposa Sara que ya viv$(D??(Ba con su vientre est$(D??(Bril para entreg$(D??(Brselo a nuestro Padre celestial que deseaba tener un hijo del hombre en el cielo, como Ad$(D??(Bn por ejemplo, entonces era nulo e infinitamente imposible. M$(D??(Bs, sin embargo, Abraham le cre$(D??(Ba a Dios cuando le dec$(D??(Ba que $(D??(Bl iba a tener un hijo muy pronto, a pesar de haber pasado tantos a$(D??(Bos ya, sin poder abrazar jam$(D??(Bs de alg$(D??(Bn modo posible en su coraz$(D??(Bn, la dicha al fin de tener un hijo de su esposa Sara para entreg$(D??(Brselo para Dios, para siempre.
Y cuando nuestro Padre celestial se le apareci$(D??(B con su Hijo Jesucristo y con su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, entonces fue para cumplir con su palabra que se la hab$(D??(Ba dado mucho tiempo atr$(D??(Bs, y esto era de que $(D??(Bl tiempo hab$(D??(Ba llegado para $(D??(Bl poder por fin tener a su hijo muy esperado. Y nuestro Padre celestial le dijo a Abraham, despu$(D??(Bs de haber almorzado el corderito que Sara misma prepar$(D??(B, para que nuestro Padre celestial con su Hijo Jesucristo y su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo comiencen juntos una vez m$(D??(Bs con su esposo, entonces se le afirm$(D??(B a Abraham que en el pr$(D??(Bximo a$(D??(Bo, por estos d$(D??(Bas, Sara su esposa abrazar$(D??(Ba a un ni$(D??(Bo.
Y el nombre de $(D??(Bste ni$(D??(Bo seria Isaac, porque $(D??(Bl iba a nacer del vientre muerto de Sara su esposa para ser la semilla de nuestro Padre celestial, para darle vida a toda una nueva naci$(D??(Bn en la tierra (Israel) y as$(D??(B al fin bendecir a las naciones, por medio del perd$(D??(Bn, la reconciliaci$(D??(Bn y la salud para la vida eterna. $(D??(Bste ni$(D??(Bo Isaac al nacer del vientre muerto de su madre Sara, por los poderes asombrosos del Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, entonces $(D??(Bl si pod$(D??(Ba regresar al cielo a caminar por donde Ad$(D??(Bn y Eva no solamente nacieron de la imagen santa de nuestro Padre celestial, sino que tambi$(D??(Bn ambos caminaron por muchos lugares gloriosos que nuestro Padre celestial quer$(D??(Ba que ellos conociesen.
Y al ver nuestro Padre celestial que era bueno que el hombre volviese a caminar delante de su presencia, y acompa$(D??(Bado siempre de su Hijo Jesucristo, entonces volvi$(D??(B a sentir el deseo de no solamente volver a tener al hombre, como Ad$(D??(Bn y Eva, en su presencia en el cielo, sino que tambi$(D??(Bn de hacerlo su hijo sagrado tal como Jesucristo. Y para que esto se haga una realidad, entonces nuestro Padre celestial se encontr$(D??(B con el poder y la autoridad soberana para hacerlo as$(D??(B, despu$(D??(Bs de haber cenado con Abraham y sus aliados sobre la Mesa del SE$(D??(BOR el pan y el vino que su Hijo Jesucristo sirve fielmente cada d$(D??(Ba a cada hombre, mujer, ni$(D??(Bo y ni$(D??(Ba de todas las naciones.
Entonces, por razones del Pacto de Vida concertando con Abraham y sus amigos sobre la Mesa del SE$(D??(BOR, al comer del pan y del vino, que representan el cuerpo sant$(D??(Bsimo del Cordero de Dios con la sangre que nos da vida eterna, maravillosamente, el Hijo de Dios naci$(D??(B del vientre virgen de la hija de David por medio del Esp$(D??(Britu Santo. Y porque nuestro Se$(D??(Bor Jesucristo naci$(D??(B del vientre virgen de la hija de David, de acuerdo a los Salmos y los profetas como Isa$(D??(Bas 53, por ejemplo, entonces nosotros no solamente recibimos vida libre del pecado en la tierra, para vivir por siempre en una carne santa, con huesos intactos y sangre sant$(D??(Bsima, sino que tambi$(D??(Bn podemos regresar al cielo desde ya.
En otras palabras, cada uno de todos nosotros puede perfectamente regresar a la vida eterna del cielo as$(D??(B como Isaac, en nuestro cuerpo, regres$(D??(B a nuestro Padre celestial para darle gloria y honra eternamente, y as$(D??(B revivir el lugar sant$(D??(Bsimo, en donde Ad$(D??(Bn y Eva nacieron inicialmente de su imagen divina para vivir por siempre conforme a su semejanza celestial. Por eso, nuestro Se$(D??(Bor Jesucristo les declar$(D??(B abiertamente a sus disc$(D??(Bpulos de todas las naciones, asegur$(D??(Bndoles que s$(D??(Blo $(D??(Bl es el camino, la verdad y la vida que puede perfectamente regresar a la presencia sant$(D??(Bsima de nuestro Padre celestial as$(D??(B como Isaac lo hizo en su d$(D??(Ba con nuestro cuerpo humano para darle gloria y honra asimismo como los $(D??(Bngeles, para siempre.
Por ello, $(D??(Bste es el evangelio que los $(D??(Bngeles desean predicar todos los d$(D??(Bas a todos los hombres, mujeres, ni$(D??(Bos y ni$(D??(Bas de todas las naciones, para que sus pecados sean perdonados por los poderes asombrosos de la gracia sant$(D??(Bsima de nuestro Se$(D??(Bor Jesucristo y as$(D??(B puedan entrar a la vida eterna de nuestro Padre celestial y de su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo. Porque todo aquel que cree en su coraz$(D??(Bn para justicia y as$(D??(B confiesa con sus labios para salvaci$(D??(Bn a nuestro Se$(D??(Bor Jesucristo, entonces es renacido instant$(D??(Bneamente del Esp$(D??(Britu Santo que inicialmente dio vida a Isaac en el vientre muerto de su madre Sara, y luego dio vida eterna al vientre virgen de la hija de David para concedernos al Cordero de Dios.
Y es $(D??(Bste Cordero sant$(D??(Bsimo de nuestro Padre celestial, su Hijo Jesucristo, que se llev$(D??(B al cielo a los cincuenta ciudadanos de Riga, Letonia, para que vivan la gloria de amar, adorar y por siempre exaltar a nuestro Padre celestial por medio de la vida bendita de su Hijo Jesucristo y de su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo.
Ciertamente que, nuestras oraciones seguir$(D??(Bn siendo siempre por Letonia y sus familias para que entiendan en sus corazones que tienen que renacer del Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, para abandonar el pecado y su pobreza y as$(D??(B entrar a la gracia de Jesucristo por los poderes de su Esp$(D??(Britu Santo, para gozar desde ya cada d$(D??(Ba de las riquezas infinitas del nuevo reino angelical. $(D??(BAm$(D??(Bn!
The Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach (Jesus Christ) began to manifest to Moses his great power of miracles and great wonders through the desert defeating many nations many times more powerful than Israel that had armies of giants that had never been defeated by any army before, however, Yeshua defeated them until Moses reached the boundaries of the Promised Land. Moses said to Yeshua HaMoshiach you have certainly shown me and the entire house of Israel how powerful you are that to this day no one has ever been able to set himself against you, but, instead you have defeated your enemies with the power of your outstretched right arm to push them into hell$B!G(Bs torment never to defy you again.
Certainly, since we left Egypt and through the Sinai$B!G(Bs desert we have not found yet a powerful god that can do great wonders as the ones that you have shown to Israel; for you have created the heaven and earth with all things for the glory of your great name, so the people that you love may live in them forever. Today, I am asking you (Yeshua), Moses continued saying, to let me enter into the Promised Land with your people, because I want to see the great land that you have separated for those that love and worship you, and I also want to see the beautiful and holy hill that is there and Lebanon with its mountains, too.
For this is the land that you have spoken so much to me and to the high priests of Israel through the years until this day; Oh Lord Yeshua, I really love to see this land; all these years I waited to see this glorious land that flows with milk and honey for those that listen to do as you will. Please, Lord Yeshua, let me enter into the beautiful land, because I just do not want to die without ever seeing it with all the men, women and children that have traveled through the desert to enter into this wonderful land; I want to see the beautiful rising holy hill that you told me so much about it through the years.
However, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach had become angry with him also through the desert because of all the wicked things that Israel did thus to cause His anger to burn hot against them and their wicked deeds that they executed rebelliously with the people of the nations that he had warned them never to associate with them, for any reason. For the reason that, these people from all the surrounding nations that had borders with them loved, served and worship idols of gold, silver and stones that are an outright abomination to our heavenly Father in heaven and to the Holy Spirit as well, so they will never contaminate themselves with their wickedness that courted his wrath all the time.
That is to say, also that as Israel with Moses reached the entrance into the Promised Land by just crossing the other side of the Jordan, then they could begin to walk into the land that our heavenly Father had promised initially to Abraham, then Isaac and finally to Jacob so they may finally inherit it with all its future amazing living-blessings. And this meant to inherit the Promised Land thus to possess it forever, because they are Abraham$B!G(Bs direct descendants with whom our Lord Jesus Christ had already made a bow with its daily obligation to be fulfilled with Israel and the future generations to come, so they may live a life worthy to love, serve and glorify our Father in heaven forever.
This is a solemn vow with its every day obligation from our Lord Jesus Christ that he personally swore solemnly unto every Hebrew man, woman and child physically present before him, including those families from the nations of the world, because the Covenant of Life that our heavenly Father made with Abraham it was also with his friends from everywhere forever. Therefore, everyone within Israel and from the nations is eternally bound to our Lord Jesus Christ$B!G(Bs solemn vow with its obligations made before Moses and the Israelites, so he may be confirmed as their Lord and savior for the families of the entire human race, because this is a Covenant of Life that started with Abraham and his allies to last forever.
Moreover, it is our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs will that His blessed Son Jesus Christ is acknowledged within the heart of every man, woman and child within Israel and the nations, so they may become born again from the Holy Spirit that started the Covenant of Life between our Father and Abraham with his allies as they ate bread and wine for reconciliation. Given that, since Isaac was born from Abraham$B!G(Bs wife Sarah who had a barren-womb and she could never possibly bear a child forever, then our heavenly Father had to intervene miraculously so she could bear her child despite her ill-condition for Isaac had to be born from the Holy Spirit to start a new bloodline that will travel into eternity everlastingly.
Meaning that, everyone within Israel and the nations has to be born from the Holy Spirit as Isaac did despite his mother$B!G(Bs lifeless-womb ever to bear him as a child to God in heaven, so from a barren-womb by the Holy Spirit, despite time, then we can also be born from the Holy Spirit thus to enter heaven$B!G(Bs glory forever justified. That is to say, also that as our heavenly Father made a Covenant of Life with Abraham and his friends at His Supper Table, then this was for the Holy Spirit not only to enter into the entire human race to live forever, but also it was for Sarah$B!G(Bs barren-womb to grant Him a child by the Holy Spirit$B!G(Bs amazing powers.
Astonishingly, by Sarah$B!G(Bs giving our heavenly Father a son, and this is Isaac born by the power of the Holy Spirit from her barren-womb, then our heavenly Father was obligated to grant Israel and the world also a Son, and this is Jesus Christ born from David$B!G(Bs virgin daughter through the Holy Spirit, for salvation to be possible for everyone forever. Surely, this is a magnificent Covenant of Life that our heavenly Father started with Abraham and his friends, including everyone else for generations to come from all the nations, because, this salvation that began with Abraham and his children for Israel to come into existence into the world then humankind is reached and touched even these days to become saved finally.
Therefore, it is our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs solemn will from day one with Abraham and his allies to have every one born by the Holy Spirit for the Covenant of Life with its daily obligations to save, bless, protect, prosper, and empower to escape sin, death and hell thus to ascend into heaven$B!G(Bs glory forever justified with His Son Jesus Christ$B!G(Bs resurrected-life. That is why that our Lord Jesus Christ declared openly to Moses within the desert and to everyone within the Promised Land that he alone is the way, truth and life to ascend into heaven$B!G(Bs glory forever justified thus to enter into our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs holy presence to live with Him in eternal Righteousness, by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Now, as Moses arrived to the area where the Promised Land had become visible to everyone then he was immediately willing to enter into it, but, our Lord Jesus Christ said to him: You will not enter into the Promised Land to see the beauty of the land and its ascending holy hill, because you struck with the stick violently the injured-rock. You were to touch the injured-rock reverently that is with love and care, because this is the holy place where the King of Israel and of the nations dwells since time immemorial, instead you were to speak to it respectfully thus to honor me before Israel for the living-water to gush out for the people and livestock to drink from it abundantly.
Meaning that, these days if you want to drink from the injured-rock whether this is at Mount Sinai$B!G(Bs foot or Jerusalem$B!G(Bs holy hill, then you must humble yourself before our Lord Jesus Christ hidden within it, so you may not strike it violently as Moses did with Aaron$B!G(Bs stick but, instead speak to it for living-water to flow into your life forever. This is the reason that our Lord Jesus Christ declared to his disciples from everywhere within Israel and the nations (for our time as well) that if you believe in him as your Lord and savior then rivers of living-water will flow from your belly everlastingly, so you may not only be blessed but also those from the nations that believe.
Significantly, this is very true these days, because as you believe within your heart for justice to confess with your lips for salvation his salvation name, then you will become born by the Holy Spirit just as Isaac, Moses and many more were born miraculously by the Spirit for the injured-rock within their bellies to burst into rivers of living-water into everlasting. This is how you will really know that our heavenly Father and His holy Son Jesus Christ are living within you just as he personally promised to his followers, so you will be filled by the amazing powers of the Holy Spirit not only to become as the person you ought to be forever in heaven but also filled with power.
Thus this the same salvation power from the Holy Spirit that Moses and many others have experienced through the days of their lives on earth before entering into the Promised Land from heaven above, and this the New Jerusalem where everything is love, peace and prosperity forever into eternity for those that love our heavenly Father through His Son Jesus Christ. And our heavenly Father has granted us magnificent powers by the Holy Spirit as we believe in His holy name through the celebrated life of His Son Jesus Christ, because you need powers not only to escape Satan and his wilderness but also you need power always to love, serve and worship Him on earth these days and in heaven forever.
These are powers that are only found within the realm of faith that already exists within your heart to be empowered only by the Holy Spirit as you begin to believe within your heart for justice to confess with your lips for salvation the amazing name of our Lord Jesus Christ that will lead you into our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs holy presence. Furthermore, once you enter into our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs holy presence then you are returning eventually into the place where you were initially born in His image in heaven to live according to His Son Jesus Christ likeness forever into eternity within the new realm of the angelic Kingdom as the New celestial Jerusalem where love, peace and happiness thrive everlastingly for everyone.
These are the Holy Spirit$B!G(Bs powers that Moses and others enjoyed through the desert because they saw our Lord Jesus Christ in the midst of the ancient sacrificial-fire, so he may baptize them with the Holy Spirit$B!G(Bs ever-present gifts thus to become reborn into our heavenly Father angelic kingdom and live the miracle-life that loves his holy name on earth forever. Inasmuch as, that as you may come into our Lord Jesus Christ by invoking his anointed name within your heart, then he will certainly come into your life with amazing powers of the Holy Spirit, and these are powers that he has always used with Abraham, Moses and others as well thus to do wonderful things for everyone$B!G(Bs well-being into all eternity.
That is why that Jesus Christ said to Moses and to all that believe in his sacrificed-life to do our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs will in heaven with the angels and on earth with humankind, then the things that he has done he will do also and even greater things he will do because he is always present before the Father in heaven. And these amazing things that you will do, they will be to glorify our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs holy name within the life of others that need to know His unfailing-love, because He is the only one ready to love, bless and heal them from sin, death and hell$B!G(Bs torment thus to live the miracle-life that serves His purposes on earth into everlasting.
Meaning that, our Lord Jesus Christ will have entered into your heart thus to become what he really is for you besides being your Lord and savior, and this is that he is your personal high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood ready to pray in heaven$B!G(Bs glory before our Father, so you may live powerfully blessed each day on earth. Meaning also, that you do not have to worry about finding a perfect-lamb to sacrifice it before our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs altar, because this amazing ancient sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ over Jerusalem$B!G(Bs holy hill nailed to Adam and Eve$B!G(Bs dead crossed trees is yours, then there is no greater sacrifice than this, so your prayers ascend into heaven$B!G(Bs altar without delay.
That is why that our Lord Jesus Christ is our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs continuous ancient sacrifice in heaven$B!G(Bs Holy of Holiest where his atoning-blood was shed initially to create the world with all things, moreover to love, bless, heal and save the living-soul of every man, woman and child within Israel and the nations, so they may enter heaven$B!G(Bs glory anyday now. Again, these are the Holy Spirit$B!G(Bs amazing powers that Moses with others enjoyed within the wilderness as they had to face nations with great armies and giants that were impossible to be defeated by the Israelites, however, since the Tabernacle of Reunion was the embodiment of our Lord Jesus Christ from head to feet in perfect holiness, then they won battles decisively.
Well, the same is true with every man, woman and child these days, and this is that the only thing you need to do is to receive our Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and savior within your heart in a moment of faith and prayer, then wonderful miracles that you desperately need within your life will begin to develop. Otherwise, you will live your life without any power from heaven above as from where you were born initially from our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs image to live according to His Son$B!G(Bs, the Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, likeness on earth these days and in heaven for eternity, so Satan may come with his usual lies to play with you as he may viciously please.
That is to say, also that you are completely vulnerable to Satan and to his fallen angels$B!G(B immoral-will, because you are living your life without the Covenant of Life$B!G(Bs sworn obligations and powers that our heavenly Father graciously started with Abraham and his allies, so people may start being born again from the Holy Spirit everywhere, starting with Isaac, for example. And this is a terrible life to live on earth where Satan with his legions may move anywhere around the world as he may please without any opposition, so he may touch your life and that of your loved ones as well with the most terrible attacks from deep darkness and hell$B!G(Bs torment thus to rob, kill and destroy you forever.
For Isaac is the son that our heavenly Father had been waiting patiently and filled with eternal love since immemorial eternity in heaven, and finally he sealed a Covenant of Life with Abraham and his friends to have Abraham$B!G(Bs wife with her barren-womb to give Him a son born from the Holy Spirit, attaching His holy life to humankind for the first time. That is why that our heavenly Father had a reason (a Covenant of Life$B!G(Bs reason, that is) to grant His Son Jesus Christ to be born from David$B!G(Bs virgin daughter to grant eternal life to everyone on earth that believes, so they may be born also from the Holy Spirit to become His legitimate children into eternity in heaven$B!G(Bs newly found glories.
Therefore, if our Lord Jesus Christ lives within your heart just as he lives within our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs holy heart and that of our Holy Spirit as well, because he alone is everyone$B!G(Bs high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood thus to grant eternal life, power, blessing, prosperity and everlasting happiness to everyone, then Satan will always flee from you. Moreover, these are powers from the Holy Spirit that rightfully belong to you but Satan wants you never to know them, so he does everything that is within his power to keep you away from them and deep into terrible darkness of lies that he himself fails to believe in them, too, so you may anyway be robbed, killed and destroyed forever.
For lie is his twisted faith that he wants you to believe, so as Satan can get you to believe in his lies then he can destroy you gradually because God and the glorious sacrificed-life of His Son Jesus Christ as your high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood to save you by the Holy Spirit, it is absent from you. That is why that it is written that whoever calls in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ in the last days, then he will be saved from Satan$B!G(Bs terrible lies, curses and hell that have destroyed many through the years until now, because he alone is the high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood to liberate everyone from evil always.
Surely, Jesus Christ was Moses best friend through the wilderness, then he will be yours these days, too, so you may not only conquer the wilderness of the wilds that Satan may bring into your life and that of your loved ones and friends from everywhere, but also grant you a home-sweet-home in The New celestial Jerusalem to live forever saved. And it was to our Lord Jesus Christ that Moses said: Lord, I pray that you will allow me into Canaan, the beautiful country and its holy hill that you have talked to me so much about through time, where you live within the injured-rock hidden from everyone but ready to give them to drink from the atoning-blood turned into salvation living-water.
However, our heavenly Father did not allow Moses to enter into the Promised Land of His Son Jesus Christ, because he failed to treat him as he should have done it before Him at Mount Sinai$B!G(Bs foot where He personally showed him where to strike gently the injured-rock to burst with living-water for the people finally to quench their agonizing thirst. And our heavenly Father punished Moses for striking the injured-rock violently with the stick when he was supposed to be reverent and respectful to it, it was because He was not only honored properly before the Israelites but because every time our Lord Jesus Christ is stricken shamelessly and disrespectfully then He is also offended greatly to awake His volatile wrath.
That is why that our heavenly Father was ready to destroy Israel as they rebelliously dishonored His personal high priest and Chosen Lamb that had not only shed his atoning-blood since Creation day to liberate them from Egypt$B!G(Bs captivity, but also he was ready to take them through the wilderness to defeat powerful enemy nations, so they may possess Canaan forever. Furthermore, the sin that caused our Father$B!G(Bs anger to rise to levels unknown to humankind in those days, it was that the Israelites believed within their hearts for destruction, after seen so many miracles within Egypt, that they could fashion an idol-god to their pleasure to call it the gods that liberated them from evil thus disconnecting from Jesus Christ$B!G(Bs glory forever.
That is why that Moses descending from Mount Sinai$B!G(Bs summit with the two stone-tables of the Law in his arms, then the Holy Spirit sensed the terrible feeling of our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs hot displeasure towards the Israelites and what was coming against them forever that immediately left Moses to strike the injured-rock with violence as a sacrifice to save Israel from certain destruction. The stone-tables of the Law after striking the injured-rock with our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach hidden there, then they descended to Abraham and his children to stand next to them, because the Law is part of the Covenant of Life that our Father made with him and his allies at His Supper Table served by His Son for life to flourish endlessly.
Now, the Law that descended to where Abraham and his children were, including Isaac his first son of the Covenant born by the Holy Spirit, it was to ensure Abraham and his children that His word is trustworthy and that they will never die but soon the King of the Covenant of Life will lift them to heaven$B!G(Bs glory forever justified. This glorious presence of the Law filled with the Holy Sprit really turned Abraham and his children, including his friends, into a moment of eternal joy that they felt within their hearts, souls, minds that never abandon them, because the Holy Spirit of the Law is an increasing power within everyone$B!G(Bs life that ascends into our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs holy everlasting richness.
For this is the Holy Spirit$B!G(Bs increasing power that grew within Abraham$B!G(Bs life and that of his friends, too, as they ate the bread and drank the wine with our heavenly Father at His Supper Table served by His anointed high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood, so Isaac could be born from his mother Sarah$B!G(Bs barren-womb by the Holy Spirit. For the Law$B!G(Bs Holy Spirit is power to please our Father in heaven, it is power to escape Satan$B!G(Bs wilds, it is power to escape problems, it is power to escape illnesses, it is power to escape death, it is power to resurrect into life, it is power to reenter heaven—and this power is Jesus Christ in your life today.
This is the power that you need within your heart these days because you came from this power directly from our heavenly Father as you were born in His image to live according to His likeness, and without it in your life then you will continue to suffer until you are reborn by the Holy Spirit to return to your heavenly home-sweet-home. That is to say, also that your entire being as you are born into the world crying as a newborn baby, then you are crying because you know within your heart, even though you still a newly born that this sinful world is not yours, you know that your place in life is with our Father in heaven$B!G(Bs glory for eternity.
Therefore, your soul cries uncontrollably because your heart knows that you are born in the world in the spirit of error that rebels against our Father and the nonstop sacrificed-life of His blessed Son Jesus Christ, so as you cry every moment after you are born—it is for the Holy Spirit to enter into your life immediately thus to save you. That is correct. Every baby right after is born into this world of sin, rebellion and lawlessness, it is because that baby wants to escape the spirit of error that terrorizes tremendously his heart, soul, mind, body and human spirit to be reborn immediately into the Holy Spirit of the Law that has already been fulfilled and glorified forever by our Lord Jesus Christ.
As you would expect, the only one that can truly help that crying baby is the Holy Spirit that already lives within the mother or father$B!G(Bs heart, so the baby will know that he is starting in life in the path leading into our Father$B!G(Bs holy presence in heaven thus to live always exalting the Law$B!G(Bs Holy Spirit into all eternity. Moreover, this is the constant cry of your entire being of the baby in you that cries for the Holy Spirit to bring back our Lord Jesus Christ, because he is your only and best friend on this earth and the one in heaven above where you will finally cease to cry in your inner being as our Father embraces you forever.
That is why that you need to return to our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs arms today, the sooner the better, because you are still crying within you as a baby just as the day you emerged from your mother$B!G(Bs womb, and the only way that your cry is going to turn into joy it will be by being reborn from the Holy Spirit$B!G(Bs powers. Otherwise, this baby cry within you for our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs Covenant of Life to be a reality within your heart and entire life, and if you fail to acknowledge Jesus Christ the one that gives you the manna and the wine to eat, then it could turn into a serious sickness that Satan can use it against you and others as well.
Even worst, you will descend into hell$B!G(Bs torment because you failed to honor within your heart our Father$B!G(Bs Covenant of Life that gave Him a son born from Sarah$B!G(Bs barren-womb by the Holy Spirit$B!G(Bs powers but also, later, He granted us His only begotten Son Jesus Christ through David$B!G(Bs virgin daughter by the same powers to fulfill His salvation promise to everyone. Meaning that, since Abraham granted our heavenly Father a Son born by the Holy Spirit through his wife Sarah$B!G(Bs barren-womb to be present in heaven, then our Father had the power to grant His only begotten Son Jesus Christ by the same Holy Spirit$B!G(Bs powers to be born from David$B!G(Bs virgin daughter to be present on earth always for everyone$B!G(Bs salvation.
Provided that, a life that glorifies the Holy Spirit of the Law that our Father has already fulfilled, exalted and glorified within His anointed Son Jesus Christ that was born by the power of the Holy Spirit from David$B!G(Bs virgin daughter, indeed it is a life that will love His holy name on earth these days and in heaven into all eternity. That is to say, also that if you fail to live a holy life that fulfills, exalts and glorifies the Holy Spirit of the Law, as our Lord Jesus Christ did within Israel$B!G(Bs messianic life, then you will struggle truly to love, exalt and glorify our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs holy name that lives in perfect holiness within His eternal temple, Jesus Christ!
Historically, Israel had always had a messianic life since the day they left Egypt$B!G(Bs captivity never to return again, that is, if they continue to please our heavenly Father through the sacrificed-life of His Son Jesus Christ that is His ancient high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood of Righteousness that everyone fails constantly to fulfill, exalt, and glorify forever. However, thanks to our Father$B!G(Bs Covenant of Life with Abraham and his friends around the Supper Table served by Jesus Christ as God$B!G(Bs Righteousness, then Isaac and Jesus Christ could be born by the Holy Spirit, Isaac from Sarah$B!G(Bs barren-womb to restart life on earth, then Jesus Christ from David$B!G(Bs virgin daughter thus finally to fulfill Israel$B!G(Bs messianic life heavenly bound forever.
This means that by you believing in our Lord Jesus Christ as your personal high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood of Righteousness, then you will be reborn by the same powers of the Holy Spirit that gave birth initially to Isaac from Sarah$B!G(Bs barren-womb and later to Jesus Christ from David$B!G(Bs daughter virgin-womb, so you may live forever justified. This is the only way, truth and life possible from heaven above that you will be able to escape Satan$B!G(Bs lies, curses and hell$B!G(Bs problems, difficulties, infirmities, death and whatever else darkness may have against you, moreover you can very well become reborn from the Holy Spirit to enter heaven$B!G(Bs richness even if you are still living your life on earth these days.
Meaning that, with our Lord Jesus Christ living within your heart as your personal high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood of perfect Righteousness, for your entire life on earth these days and in heaven forever, then you are living a miracle life that will do wonders for you, for your loved ones, and even for your friends from everywhere. That is to say, also that Jesus Christ is part of your life since immemorial eternity because you emerged from our heavenly Father the day you were born in heaven in His image to live according to His likeness to enjoy love, richness, peace and glory into everlasting, thus Jesus Christ most return to you these days, the sooner the better.
Inasmuch as, as it is you were born in the spirit of error that Adam and Eve believed in paradise as the old serpent manifested to Eve first Satan$B!G(Bs lie against the tree of life that is God$B!G(Bs Son, so Adam may eat the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil thus contaminating the human spirit forever. And since Adam and Eve were contaminated with the spirit of error from the forbidden fruit (or that they were reborn into the spirit of error abandoning like this the Holy Spirit), then the entire human race is born by default, into the spirit of rebellion against the tree of life that is our Lord Jesus Christ, our daily food and drink forever.
Now, to return to our original (or normal human and spiritual state in heaven), then we must believe within our hearts for justice to confess with our lips for salvation Jesus Christ$B!G(Bs holy name, so we may eat at last from the fruit of life that Adam and Eve were to eat initially in heaven to reborn immediately into the Holy Spirit. Given that, only those that are reborn, and this is after creation as the angels or birth from our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs image in heaven as Adam and Eve, and you and I these days on earth, and this is to be reborn from the Holy Spirit that thrives mightily with our Father and His Son Jesus Christ forever in heaven$B!G(Bs glory.
Therefore, now, one that has been born from the spirit of error from his mother$B!G(Bs womb can never ascend into the holy mountaintop of our Lord Jesus Christ much less enter eternal life in heaven unless that one is reborn from the Holy Spirit that has granted us our Father$B!G(Bs eternal Law and holy name thus to enrich our living-souls forever. That is why that our heavenly Father has called every man, woman and child from everywhere to become reborn from the Holy Spirit thus to abandon the spirit of error that retains sin, causing problems, difficulties, infirmities and even death, however, with the Holy Spirit living within us then we can truly enjoy heaven$B!G(Bs powers each day while we still live on earth.
That is the cause of all your afflictions these days, the day you were born from your mother$B!G(Bs womb in the spirit of error that we all inherited from Adam and Eve from paradise, so to walkaway from this terrible world of sin, curses and darkness, then you can be reborn from the Holy Spirit into the world from heaven above. This is an amazing world filled with the Holy Spirit of life that will bless you as you have never been blessed before in your entire life, so you may experience all the wonderful blessings that rightfully belong to you thus to enjoy life as our heavenly Father with His Son Jesus Christ and the angelic hosts do in heaven these days.
Besides, as you begin to live your ancient life from heaven above, as the one you received from our heavenly Father the day you were born legitimate from His image to live according to His likeness forever into everlasting, then you will become a new person, the person you ought to be always before our heavenly Father: enjoying life$B!G(Bs goodness always. Because, that is why our heavenly Father created man in the beginning, after the one-third of the angels from heaven with Lucifer rebelled against Him and the wonderful sacrificed-life of His high priest and Chosen Lamb, our Lord Jesus Christ, so we not only eat the bread and wine with Him from the Supper Table but also His daily goodness into everlasting.
Legitimately, for this to happen to everyone within Israel and the nations, beginning with Adam and Eve in paradise, then our heavenly Father created not only paradise with great glory and celestial beauty, filled with holy angels everywhere, so man may eat from all the trees, including from the tree of life, but also created Canaan and the New celestial Jerusalem. That is to say, that we have to live with our Lord Jesus Christ within the land that He has personally created and chosen to live with Him and His holy angels filled with the Holy Spirit, so then we may begin to enjoy the many glories of His great goodness that causes our heart to be filled with celestial happiness forever.
After paradise, because Adam and Eve believed the serpent$B!G(Bs word sent by Lucifer instead of believing our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs command never to eat from the forbidden fruit but, in its place, eat from the tree of life, His supreme celestial sacrifice of His Son$B!G(Bs atoning-blood shed since Creation day, then they sinned to abandon paradise to live on earth until now. On earth, our heavenly Father created Canaan, the Promised Land, but Satan had taken it over with many nations that were loving, serving and worshiping him through idols and sacrifices of their children over his wicked altars, and this caused our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs wrath to kindle, so He had to call Israel to retake Canaan for Him with great battles.
Therefore, the Israelites had to fight their way into the blessings that our heavenly Father had prepared through the Sinai$B!G(Bs desert and within the Promised Land as well, so they may somehow make it to the beautiful rising holy hill outside Jerusalem where the greatest battle would be fought by our Lord Jesus Christ to defeat sin, Satan and hell$B!G(Bs torment forever. Moreover, this great battle over the beautiful holy hill of Jerusalem would have to be fought to the last drop of our Lord Jesus Christ$B!G(Bs atoning-blood to erase every man, woman and child$B!G(Bs sin, so they may become reborn from the Holy Spirit to enter into our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs holy presence within the New celestial Jerusalem in heaven above.
For this is the last place in heaven$B!G(Bs glory where our heavenly Father not only waited for His blessed Son Jesus Christ to enter into it first victorious over Satan$B!G(Bs lie, curses, death and hell$B!G(Bs torment over the beautiful rising holy hill, so everyone may live in peace with Him and His angels but also enjoy His endless happiness everlastingly into eternity. This is the reason that Moses prayed to our Lord Jesus Christ by saying to him: Lord, you have shown me until now your great power and your stretched out right arm fighting against the enemies of Israel, so they may live victorious over them always, moreover enter into this glorious land filled with goodness for those that love you forever.
Please, Lord, Moses pleaded, let me enter into Canaan that is yours, and that is willing all year round to give its fruit faithfully that not only pleases you but also everyone that loves you thus to love, serve and worship our Father in heaven through your amazing deeds of perfect Righteousness that you have shown to Israel through the desert until now. However, our Father was angry with Moses also, because of the rebellions that He had suffered with Israel through the desert for forty years that He had decided that he will be not allowed to enter into the Promised Land to see the beautiful rising holy hill, besides he had already seen the Lord Jesus Christ over Mount Sinai$B!G(Bs supreme celestial-sacrifice.
Moreover, our heavenly Father decided not to allow Moses to enter into the Promised Land because the first thing that he would do as he would step into the Promised Land, then it would be to go directly to the rising holy hill where our Lord Jesus Christ lives hidden within the injured-rock, because Moses knew where to find him. Given that, he had personally spoken to the Lord Jesus Christ within the tabernacle$B!G(Bs Holy of Holiest so many times through the years that he knew exactly had to find his savior hidden in the injured-rock at the rising holy hill of the beautiful land that he would have disclosed to everyone the secret of Israel$B!G(Bs blessing, power and eternal salvation.
Therefore, our heavenly Father did not want Moses to preach like this to Israel of His glorious ancient secret of blessing, power and eternal salvation thus by making the holy rising hill a sanctuary of idol worship, moreover diminishing the Temple of God, as the House of Prayer for all Nations, so Moses had to be stopped before entering into Canaan. Surely, our heavenly Father wanted His holy word spoken through the prophets to Israel manifested immediately that would lead every man, woman and child within Israel and the nations, too, to the rising holy hill of the beautiful land that our heavenly Father cherishes so much within His holy heart in heaven$B!G(Bs glory, so people themselves may find their salvation in time.
Meaning that, only our heavenly Father through the Holy Spirit could take not only Moses to know so much about the rising holy hill within Canaan but also every man, woman and child within Israel and the nations, because this is how He wants His Son to be found by the power of the Holy Spirit at Jerusalem$B!G(Bs holy hill. Naturally, our heavenly Father does not want anyone (or anything) to lead His chosen children throughout the world from the families of the nations to the holy hill but only Him through the ever-present powers of the Holy Spirit of the fulfilled commandments and of His holy anointed name, so people may find forgiveness, healing, blessing, protection, prosperity and salvation timely.
That is why that it is important that everyone that has had a personal encounter with our Lord Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit to become born again into the world of light from heaven above, then that one must preach and teach the word of our heavenly Father to every one willing to love, serve and worship Him forever into eternity. Inasmuch as, it is the Holy Spirit through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ that our heavenly Father moves constantly within the heart, soul, mind, body and human spirit of every man, woman and child willing to humble before the rising holy hill of the injured-rock thus to attain through grace: forgiveness, healing, prosperity and the eternal happiness of salvation.
Therefore, Moses could only stand at Canaan$B!G(Bs gate, because he knew so much about the rising holy hill within it that he would have made it a place of idol worship surpassing, probably to our Lord Jesus Christ and the House of Prayer for all Nations within Israel, so Moses could only speak about it as he saw it from afar. Our heavenly Father had already had a serious problem with Aaron and the Israelites by fashioning a golden calf from all the gold jewelry that they received from the Egyptian$B!G(Bs families as they fled captivity never to return again by crossing the Red sea in dry ground to stand at Mount Sinai$B!G(Bs injured-rock thus to drink the living-water to quench their thirst.
Besides, in heaven Moses was going to meet again face-to-face with our Lord Jesus Christ before descending to be born by the power of the Holy Spirit from David$B!G(Bs virgin daughter as it is written, thus to grant humankind salvation dressed with the much-needed sacred-flesh, unbroken bones and atoning-blood for salvation to be possible finally for everyone through time everywhere forever. Therefore, Moses was the only one left behind at Sinai$B!G(Bs desert to be buried by the angels somewhere chosen by our heavenly Father, so his preaching may continue through the hearts, minds, souls, and word of mouth of everyone throughout the nations while Israel$B!G(Bs children entered Canaan to see the beautiful rising holy hill until the King Messiah may finally become manifest.
Consequently, Moses was the seed from Sinai that our Father had to bury within desert$B!G(Bs sandy grave, so the knowledge that he had accumulated for forty years as he met our Lord Jesus Christ within the Tabernacle$B!G(Bs Holy of Holiest may be known and taught by the Israelis by the power of the Holy Spirit: to the nations living in darkness. For it is our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs will for the nations to know what He has personally given to Israel, beginning with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, so their sins may be forgiven by the power of the sacrificed-and-resurrected life of His Son Jesus Christ, so those living in the darkness of Satan$B!G(Bs lie may live in the divine-light of His amazing truth forever.
Provided that, for any one to live daily in Satan$B!G(Bs lie then this means that that one will suffer every day until finally succumbs to eternal death in the grave and to continue to suffer greatly in hell$B!G(Bs torment, however, to live in our heavenly Father$B!G(Bs truth that is His Son Jesus Christ then this is joy heavenly bound forever, starting today. Just as Moses, you may find yourself outside the Great Jerusalem from heaven above, and you want to enter into it to see the rising holy hill of the crosses that received our Lord Jesus Christ nailed to one of them with two witnesses and your final salvation sealed, but you can$B!G(Bt, because you have to welcome Jesus Christ$B!G(Bs goodness first.
Today, our heavenly Father wants you to welcome His Son Jesus Christ within your heart just as Moses did initially over Mount Sinai$B!G(Bs summit, so Israel$B!G(Bs salvation could be possible at last, after four-hundred years of servitude within Egypt thus to embark in a journey of three days into the Promised Land that is to say to be welcome into God$B!G(Bs goodness forever. Well, the same is true these days, you have to welcome our Lord Jesus Christ within your heart with all his goodness and everlasting grace, so our heavenly Father with His holy angels can welcome you into the Great Jerusalem from heaven above, because, now you will no longer live in the spirit of error but in the Holy Spirit forever.
Certainly, this is an amazing pristine life that loves you just as our heavenly Father has always loved you through the invincible sacrificed-and-resurrected life of His blessed Son Jesus Christ, thus all the goodness from heaven$B!G(Bs glory belongs to you, because you are no longer Adam$B!G(Bs rebellious life instead you are now living our Lord Jesus Christ$B!G(Bs perfect life into eternity. Soon you will hear our heavenly Father say: welcome my faithful servant into my heaven$B!G(Bs glory to enjoy my eternal life that is filled with everlasting happiness for you and for your loved ones as well, because with little you were faithful to me through my Son Jesus Christ, then here in heaven what is my is yours to enjoy forever.
Welcome into the Promised Land that our heavenly Father granted to His Son Jesus Christ so you may live in it everlastingly, beginning today as you are reborn from the Holy Spirit to be filled with his grace, goodness and endless richness of a pristine life that rightfully belong to you forever in heaven$B!G(Bs new conquered glories. Amen!
Culture and peace for every one today and always!
Cordially yours,
The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!
JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6
Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yeshua, and shalt believe
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9
You must do the Following:
Put your faith to work and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 3:10
Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30
Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead. See Romans
10-: 9-10
Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal Savior. See
Romans 10:13
What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?
That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or great, wise or not-- just the same, the Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses them who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13
Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the L-rd JESUS
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.
If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your ONLY WAY
Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?
YES _____? or, NO ______?
Date____/____/___ YES ______? or, NO ______?
If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a wonderful new life with Him. Now:
Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better. Talk to GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST everyday. Be baptized in water submersion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God, worship, fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and gentile believers as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final authority.
Tell others about JESUS.
Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in your prayers for me and my loved ones, for your prayers are very important in heaven. You do not have any idea how important your prayers are in Heaven; Jesus suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed His Precious Blood and Died on the Cross of Golgotha for your prayers to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest. That is CORRECT. The Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy Angels hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest too. I most add that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY ANGELS in HEAVEN when you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of HIS WONDERFUL King Messiah and HOLY SON, JESUS CHRIST. Thank you.
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