Re: New Year question from Leo
Greg Neill <> wrote:
>> Are Maxwell's equations compatible with virtual photons?
> Maxwell's equations comprise a classical theory.
> Virtual photons are part of a quantum theory.
> Maxwell's equations do not specify the composition or
> mechanism of the underlying electromagnetic field, but
> describe the field's properties and behavior in the
> classical limit.
Most quantum opticans use photons constructed by quantising
the vector potential inside a field mode. Each field mode
is one of a set of orthonormal solutions to (classical)
Maxwell's equations. So, I would say yes -- the virtual
photons ``live inside'' solutions of Maxwell's equations.
Dr. Paul Kinsler
Blackett Laboratory (QOLS) (ph) +44-20-759-47520 (fax) 47714
Imperial College London,
SW7 2BW, United Kingdom.
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