yeah i have this question.   Ok this isnt a "say it aint so" type post
because im the type that says it is so.  no, ill just ask the

My teacher said like child abuse is not only common in japan, but
acceptable.  I do not have a hard time believing the former; i do
however have a hard time believing the latter.

I think my philosophy is that one of the stranger aspects of the human
race is that we often have a far higher moral standard than is
applicable in this world.  In short, even if it was common to go
around raping people in japan i dont think anyone would talk about it
or consider it "acceptable".

So my point is, even if it is common to smack young folk in japan
around i have  a hard time believing one would be considred weird in
japan if he or she said " i dont beat the crap out of small children"

I dunno, i found this strange she said this.  Onet hing about the
class is they tell you sweet little lies about japanese culture to
keep you interested.  Its dumb but far preferable to the "its so hard
being a jap" type peoples.

So, I guess this came as a shock, but, i sure as hell dont think it is
fully true that saying "i like to beat up small children" is
considered proper ettiquette in japan, despite what may go on in

So, whats your response?