In Ronald 'More-More' Moshki <> wrote:

> Marvel wrote:
> > "lazyrapper" <> wrote in message
> >
> > >
> > >>
> > >> What do you think the lower 48 would look like if
> > >> the Japs had won the war?

> > >> We should have leveled Japan when we had the chance.
> > >> Can't do it now although the whales are begging us to.
> > >
> > > Yeah right,--- try to get up to speed.  It's 2006 now. Things have changed
> > > somewhat!
> > >
> > Go Hitler

> You failed to answer the question----

I'm bored, so I'll answer; the Japanese would've consolidated parts
of SE Asia, but lost in China, leaving Korea and Manchuria somewhat
in jeopardy.

> the Japs would have turned
> the U.S. into a 'Road Warrior' type of wasteland, killing most
> Americans

Taken a bit too many "alternate reality" inducers, I see.

> except the Jap-Ams and a few others for use as slaves.

> It's the oriental mentality--------slaughter first and don't think
> twice.

Regular Hiters, eh?
