Cancer - Press Review (September 22, 2012) – Revue de presse (22 septembre 2012)
Cancer – Press Review – Revue de Presse
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Press Review (September 22, 2012) – Revue de presse (22 septembre
Poor Pain Control for Cancer Patients
Recounting her father$B!G(Bs struggle with cancer was difficult for the
young woman, even several years after his death. He$B!G(Bd endured first
surgery and then chemotherapy and radiation, she told me, and the
cancer had gone into remission. He was thrilled, but the aggressive
treatment left him with chronic, debilitating pain. Once active, he
struggled to get around in his own home. $B!H(BIt wasn$B!G(Bt the cancer that
got him,$B!I(B the daughter said. $B!H(BIt was the pain.$B!I(B
By Pauline W. Chen. In The New York Times (blog)
Smoking and Drinking Linked to Earlier Pancreatic Cancer
People who smoke or drink heavily may develop pancreatic cancer at a
younger age than those who don't, according to a recent study of 811
pancreatic cancer patients.
By Jaimie Dalessio. In Huffington Post
Least Aggressive Breast Cancer Still Poses Long-Term Risk, Study Finds
Women with common tumor types might die of disease a decade later,
affecting treatment decisions.
In U.S. News & World Report
Cancer surpasses heart disease as cause of death among Hispanics
Cancer is now the leading cause of death among Hispanics in the United
States, surpassing deaths due to heart disease, researchers reported
By Michael Muskal. In Los Angeles Times,0,4898893.story
Merck KGaA pulls second lung cancer drug filing
German drugmaker Merck KGaA has withdrawn its second attempt to win
European approval for use of its Erbitux drug against lung cancer,
capping a string of setbacks in its drug development.
In Reuters
Quality-of-life program may help cancer patients
A therapy program focused on improving quality of life can help people
being treated for advanced cancer, researchers from the Mayo Clinic in
Rochester, Minnesota, have found.
In Reuters
Cancer de la prostate : le traitement Zytiga confirme son efficacit$(D??(B
Une $(D??(Btude internationale publi$(D??(Be mardi indique qu'une nouvelle
mol$(D??(Bcule connue sous le nom de Zytiga et compos$(D??(Be d'ac$(D??(Btate
d'abirat$(D??(Brone aurait la propri$(D??(Bt$(D??(B d'am$(D??(Bliorer la qualit$(D??(B de vie de
patients atteints de cancer avanc$(D??(B de la prostate.
Dans Maxisciences
Cancer du sein : les limites du d$(D??(Bpistage
Pr$(D??(Bs de 20 % de cancers pourraient survenir dans l'intervalle entre
deux d$(D??(Bpistages organis$(D??(Bs, affirment des sp$(D??(Bcialistes.
Dans Le Point
Cancers : que faire si l'on vient d'une famille $(D??(B risques ?
Les consultations oncog$(D??(Bn$(D??(Btiques, comme celles en pr$(D??(B et en postnatal,
s'adressent $(D??(B des personnes bien cibl$(D??(Bes.
Par Nathalie Szapiro-Manoukian. Dans Le Figaro
Le sel favoriserait le cancer de l'estomac
Limiter sa consommation de sel est b$(D??(Bn$(D??(Bfique non seulement au chapitre
de la pression art$(D??(Brielle, mais aussi du cancer de l$B!G(Bestomac..
Par Marie-Claude Ouellet. Dans Agence Science-Presse
Cancer Blog – Marc Lacroix – Le Blogue du Cancer
Marc Lacroix-Corman – InTextoResearch – Baelen (09/2012)
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