Dustin C <not_my@realaddress.com> wrote:
> I may be relocating to Japan in a few months, and perhaps be bringing a dog. 
> It is small-medium sized (wont fit in a handbag but could probably fit in a 
> backpack - not to say i put her in a backpack....).

> Is having a dog (bigger than handbag size) in Tokyo as impractical as I 
> think it is? eg dog friendly apartments are hard to fiind, apartments too 
> small, no where for dog to run off its lead.

Tokyo'd be rough; other towns are much better. However, you're a
foreigner, so that makes it two potential problems.

> Do any of you have dogs or any experiences you can share? Or even any online 
> resources that you know of? I have found  a few forums here and there.

> I know there will be a lot of things to do before bringing her over 
> (vaccinations, quarantine etc) I am not so concerned about that, more so 

Quarantine will be about a month.

> what daily life would be like for both myself and the dog.

Dogs are pretty pampered, but in big cities, they're always leashed.
