On Apr 12, 8:04 am, CL <flot...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> On 04/12/2011 05:05 AM, TXZZ wrote:
> > You tokyo japs deserved the tsunami
> > Young Japanese are a buncha punks who would benefit from a fascist
> > society run exclusively by me
> > Hi I'm a lawyer and I waste time on usenet and posting bearded photos
> > of myself because I'm gay
> > I'm fat and from a very shitty state.  Lord knows how I got in to
> > Japan at such a young age
> > I like sushi and hate it when people think I'm a chinaman
> It "lives."  For negative values of "living."

I take it as a positive. When I see a post like Outland's, I regard it
as further proof that life in Japan is back to normal.