On Tue, 29 Jul 2003 16:53:15 GMT, Larry Jandro
<usenet@REMOVETHISljvideo.com> wrote:

>On 29 Jul 2003, "jren57" <jren57@msn.com> tapped on a keyboard and
>the electrons formed this: 
>> Log Cabins in Arid-Zona
>> http://www.heavenscent.net/
>> So not all Merkins live in trailers, some of the lucky ones have
>> Log Cabins LOL!!!!!!!!
>These are generally people's vacation homes in the mountains.  They 
>are SUPPOSED to look rustic, you moron.
I'm the only moron in these groups, dear.

"Ken Ehrett was a sock"
Sable washes her dirty laundry in public in message

heh, meds work, I remembered my sig.