Re: What kind of tree is this?
Declan Murphy wrote:
> La Puce wrote:
>>CL wrote:
>>>Argument. When I read this I flashed on long-ago scenes from the only
>>>local I was ever able to frequent for any length of time ... in Yeovil,
>>>darkest Zomerzett ... and the local pensioners with their continuous
>>>horticultural debates. As often as not attempting an argument using the
>>>Latinate forms of the plants' names at fifteen minutes before the bell.
>>>Combining Latin with the local pronunciation and the local brew ...
> Even mixed with local brew, how exactly can a dead language like Latin,
> Manx or French possibly sound incorrect?
When spoken by people who the publican had let slip in the back door at
three when the plantin' day were doone and had not let go of their mug
(which had their name on it) in the intervening time except to let the
publicans wife "pool them anoothr" (Wooja darlin') ... It was where I
learned to measure depth in spits, as well as a couple of other
measurements I don't recall any longer.
>>Argument?! Surely not! I'm half French and half Italian. What do you
>>expect LOL!!!
> Yebbut, whats the name of the local? The Pistil and Stamen?
The Broken Plough. I've heard from friends who pass through that town
that it is long gone, a victim of the Allied Domencq buyup~buyout. When
the publican died, no one of decent standing wanted to take up the
license and it got bought up by a a local real estate agent who toyed
with different brewery franchises, then killed it off when he didn't
make the return he wanted and sold the remains to one of the big boys.
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