Golf Training Aid - Pick Up A Rock?
Golf training aids are a hot topic among golfers. Golf instructors and
professionals are seen on television spouting the benefits of the
latest and greatest golf swing instructional device that has just come
out. Who are you to believe and what really works.
If you look at the definition of an aid, you will find that it means
to give help or assistance. So for golfers, a golf book or a golf
video would be considered an aid, because both might help you improve
your golf game if you choose to follow the instructions. There's is
one drawback, though. If you are constantly telling yourself how to do
the 'move' or 'secret' while you're playing a round of golf, you might
as well give it up. It's not going to help or assist you in any way.
All it does is stop you from naturally swinging the golf club the way
your body should.
There's a better training aid, and you just haven't figured it out
yet. It's a rock! Seriously. I bet that you can't hit a green from 50
yards five out of ten times with a golf ball. But if I told you to
pick up a rock, throw it at the flag, that the rock would in fact head
straight towards the flag. There's your golf training aid right there.
Try it. Go out, pick up some rocks, pick a target, and see if you
don't get most of the rocks pretty close to what your target is....
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