Release of SMSSpaminator v. 2.00
SMS/MMS/E-Mail Spam Removal Tool for Windows-based Mobile Devices
March 23, 2009

Direct Download:

For Pocket PC Windows Mobile 5 & 6:

For Smart Phone Windows Mobile 5 & 6:

MobileTimes announces the release of its Spam removal Sentinel
SMSSpaminator for Windows-based Mobile Devices.

Have you ever grown tired of Spam cluttering your Mobile Devices' SMS/
MMS/E-Mail Inbox?  Are you a victim of SMS/E-Mail-mobbing? Is someone
actually stalking you by continuously sending unwanted messages?

SMSSpaminator removes these pesky and annoying messages with a click
of a button.  This little Sentinel monitors all incoming  messages and
keeps out those messages which you deem inappropriate!  Messages
identified as Spam are automatically moved to a special Spam folder
and out of your InBox.

The moment you receive a message, which you find objectionable, simply
click on the tool.  Locate the message in question and click to create
a new Spam rule.  Filter based on Sender Id or Message Content (uses
pattern recognition).

Use the Automated SMS Answering Service to send a custom response to
every received SMS.

A Multi-Lingual User Interface to over 140 languages is available.

For added power, combine this handy little utility with MobileTimes'
advanced search tool FindUs!

Support exists for Windows Mobile 5.0 & 6.0 for the PocketPC and
SmartPhone platforms.  Released a shareware.

For More Information Contact:


Internet: MobileTimes (
Web: MobileTimes (