A Short History of Nearly Everything plus more
An informative review of Bill Bryson's best-seller
"A Short History of Nearly Everything" can be found at
For earlier book reviews that inform, educate and entertain, see
In his book, Bryson poses the question, "How many of
Shakespeare's atoms are there in each of us?"
For the answer, see
which appears as a new report at
Here are some other developments at Jupiter Scientific:
(1) The Virtual Astronomer at
has been completed. In particular, the page
which contains the best astronomy images on the web, is now
available. It is a truly extraordinary collection.
(2) About 20% of the content of the out-of-print book
"The Bible According to Einstein" is now online at
with more of it expected to be posted in the future.
Jupiter Scientific -- dedicated to the promotion of science
and scientific education through books, the internet,
and other means of communication
Fnews-brouse 1.9(20180406) -- by Mizuno, MWE <mwe@ccsf.jp>
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