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Special Pig

A woman was walking down the street when she
saw a man walking a three legged pig. She thinks
to herself, "That's odd." She decides to ask
the man about the pig. "Excuse me sir, can you
tell me why it is you are walking down the street
with a pig that only has three legs?" "Why certainly,"
the man says. "I'm a farmer, and this here is
a special pig." "What makes it so special?" the
woman asks. "Well, the other day, we came across
a school bus full of children that had flipped
over in a ditch and this pig ran down and dragged
all of the children out to safety. And just a
few days ago, I fell into the lake and would've
drown had it not been for this pig going in to
save me." 

"That's remarkable. But, why does he only have
three legs?" the woman asks. 

"You see, ma'am," the farmer starts, "a pig
this special isn't eaten all at once."