Louise Bremner wrote:
> It doesn't matter how close you got to passing--for those few companies
> that even know what it is, all that is important is whether or not you
> passed. No prizes for "nearly".

But for many companies the important thing is his proficiency level in 
japanese, and this shows it should be quite high (even if performance in 
tests like ikkyu can sometimes be quite unrelated to your proficiency in 
real life).

>> Anyone know how easy it would be for me to find something?  Do a lot of
>> companies need native speaking English speakers for website design?  Or
>> is this just a bad idea........

I know a french guy who does graphic design in Japan, mostly for 
internet sites, (I've lost contact since quite a while though), he 
speaks fluent japanese but almost not english (*), and I remember he 
explained to me that being fluent in english would help him a lot 
professionally. In fact, IIRC he said that his small company also 
employed a native English speaking girl who was almost unable to get any 
work done correctly, but they wouldn't fire her because of their need 
for a native speaker.

* He also has a lot of funny anecdotes about the japanese who try to get 
a free english conversation from him in the train or elsewhere.