"tm" <tm@tmoero.invalid> wrote ...
> "MonkeyBoy" wrote:
>> Mark my word, this is not over.  I do plan to persue this matter after
>> my trip when I will have some time.   Both the airline and the agency
>> profited quite nicely from my simple mistake.   This is completely
>> bogus as far as I'm concerned.  What a business:  sell someone
>> something once but charge them for it twice.  This could change our
>> whole system of commerce :-)
> Good luck. You are gonna lose, but if it makes you feel better to 
> fight the righteous fight, have at it.


I know somebody who felt hard done by (he probably was) and he
ended up working (practically heading) an action movement.  He ended 
up spending far too much of his time on organising that while his actual 
business slowly fell to bits over the years.  The ironic bit was that unlike 
most involved he was relatively well protected by insurance so hadn't
lost nearly as much as some.