"Angelo" <b7898d67892@hotmail.com> wrote in message

> I have several English books to give away:
> - lonely planets (european countries)
> - computer related books
> - how to do books
> - textbooks
> total about 10-20 books.

Nothing interesting except for other gaigins that you can certainly find
easily around you. You can also give them to shops that sell second hand

In Osaka, the Asian Library takes books about Asia they don't already have,
and the rest goes to Hon no Mori that resales what they can. The money goes
to NGOs. You have to bring the books, so forget it if you are not in the

> Is there a way to donate them to a library somewhere?
> Any information on book donation in Japan is greatly appreciated.

Well, on this NG, we have a specialist in book  donations to Japanese
library libraries.
