"Ryan Ginstrom" <ginstrom@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> necoandjeff wrote:
> > "Ryan Ginstrom" <ginstrom@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> >> And you draw this conculsion from?
> >
> > It wasn't a conclusion. The question mark should have made that fairly
> > clear. In any event:
> > 2. Presumption: During the conversation, you represented the point of
> > view that child molesters are or should be looked down upon as being
> > worse than murderers.
> > 6. Therefore, if the presumption in 2 is true, it would be fair to
> > conclude that you believe it is worse to be molested as a child than
> > to be murdered and that, therefore, you would prefer being murdered
> > over being molested. But first the presumption has to be confirmed,
> > hence my question.
> OK, thanks for the clarification. Presumption 2 is where you went wrong,
> rather the conclusion you drew from it. Yes, I did present that point of
> view, but not as my own.

Darn. This would have been more interesting if you had...