Re: cigarillo
Rafael Caetano wrote:
> My Genius 英和 dictionary says only 細い葉巻. I suspect this is only an
> explanation rather than a translation.
> I've seen リトルシガー (I took a while to decipher リトル) and ドライシ
> ガー on the same place. Do these terms denote different types of cigarillos?
> I've also seen ミニシガー and シガリロ, for instance here:
> So, do they all mean the same thing? Which term would a cigarillo smoker
> use? What about a non-smoker (or which term would be easier for him to
> understand)?
> WWWJDIC has no entries for either "cigarillo" or any of the attempted
> Japanese translations above. Besides, the entry for "cigar" includes
> this example:
> # 葉巻はいかが?
> Have a cigarette?
> Is 葉巻 really used for cigarrettes?
> (crossposted to f.l.j because I know there's a couple of cigar smokers
> that might help me)
> ---
> Rafael Caetano
Hamaki is used for cigars, so the definition of a cigarillo (i.e. :
thin, short cigar) is correct.
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