<declan_murphy@hotmail.com> wrote ...
> Dave Fossett wrote:
>> "aabne" <aabne@death.com> wrote:
>> > Where exactly is this?
>> >
>> > http://www.j-talk.com/files/gallery/5302.jpg
>> Before it was Photoshopped? It's Akihabara.
> Yes its Akihabara. But what makes you think it was photoshopped???

'Cuz it was.  You should be able to Google up the long thread
where my non-photoshopped hopes were dashed.

From memory :
1. Somebody found the photo that the toy was photoshopped from.
2. Somebody had been there and not tripped over it.
3. If you look closely there's a traffic light on the left that would be
totally obscured by her leg.
4. There also seems to be a side road near those traffic lights on 
the left that would have its view blocked by her leg.

My only consolation was that it was a _good_ photoshop.