* What is fj.life.in-japan Revision 1.2.2
What is fj.life.in-japan
Revision 1.2.2
1. History
2. Posting
2.1 What should I post to fj.life.in-japan?
2.2 Who can post to fj.life.in-japan?
2.3 Language
2.4 Cross Posting
2.5 Aliases
3. Links
4. Updates
4.1 Contributions
1. History
This article is an update to Revision 1.2. It was taken over by yours truly
due to the previous maintainer's inability to keep it up to date and total
lack of participation in this newsgroup.
This is the most recent version of "What is fj.life.in-japan" and supercedes
all previous versions. Please ignore any older versions that may still be
auto-posted to this group.
2. Posting
2.1 What should I post to fj.life.in-japan?
Basically, anything you want, preferably relating to life in Japan, as long
as it is not spam or auto-posted garbage.
2.2 Who can post to fj.life.in-japan?
Although this newsgroup is about life in Japan, anyone can post here. The
only posters most definitely *not* welcome are spammers and auto-post
2.3 Language
There is no mandatory posting language. The recent past has seen posts in
the Japanese, English, German, and French languages. As with most other
corners of usenet (or usenet + local hierarchies if you like), cheap
grammar/spelling flames usually go over like a fart in the swimming pool and
tend to get the flamer flamed much worse than s/he gave.
If you post in languages other than English, please be sure to set your
encoding properly. JIS is the preferred encoding for Japanese.
2.4 Cross Posting
Generally not a good idea. Our little corner of not-quite-usenet is
thankfully quiet, and we like to keep it that way.
2.5 Aliases
The use of porno movie-like aliases is encouraged.
3. Links
fj.life.in-japan FAQ
4. Updates
This article will be updated at irregular intervals.
Last update: 2005/01/01 - v. 1.2.2
4.1 Contributions
Contributions to this article are welcome, and will be stolen
indiscriminately with little or no attribution. Please use follow-ups to
this article to voice feedback, give suggestions, etc. Note that "criticism"
is not one of the options listed.
Fnews-brouse 1.9(20180406) -- by Mizuno, MWE <mwe@ccsf.jp>
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