Re: Is it just me...
Danny Wilde wrote:
> "Eric Takabayashi" <> wrote in message
>> ... ask why people would argue against
>> the existence of stupidity in Japanese programming.
> Actually I don't understand what people mean when they say a TV
> programme is "stupid" or talk about "the existence of stupidity in
> Japanese programming". Indiscriminate application of the word "stupid"
> to Japanese television shows a limited articulacy and perhaps indicates
> much more about the intellectual level of the people applying it than
> the programmes they are commenting on.
> Let's all try to say something more articulate than "Japanese TV is
> stupid", in case we who rashly label the entire output of Japanese TV as
> such, end up looking far more stupid than the thing we're seeking to
> criticise.
Is this the same guy who slagged Sean for disliking misuse of "begging
the question"?
Fnews-brouse 1.9(20180406) -- by Mizuno, MWE <>
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