-- new broadcasting website

[Text selections follow]

Power Broadcasting, a multi-denominal religious broadcaster, needs your
assistance in the construction of a shortwave broadcasting station in Papua
New Guinea (PNG).

Our broadcasting station will be capable of reaching 2.5 billion (*)
potential listeners when completed. Listeners in Indonesia, Burma, Pakistan,
Afghanistan will be able to hear the word.


Indonesia and South East Asia, post 911

Indonesia has become a paradise for extremist organizations.
Australians, New Zealanders & US nationals have been killed in recent
terrorist attacks in Bali Indonesia.
More may be killed in future attacks.

There are future attacks against Europe and the US being planned in
Extremists in will be pursuing terrorist actions for decades to come in
These extremist organizations threaten global democracy, justice and the
rule of law -- and will use any possible advantage given to them.
What can I do about it?

There are ways to lessen the influence of these dangerous militants. As the
current situation stands, the Indonesian populous has almost no moral
willpower to resist these foreign militants.

However, we [nor anyone in the Indonesian populous] can't just confront
these militants without adverse negative political and security
repercussions. All of these problems can be sidestepped by moral religious

International radio broadcasting is one of the few ways that allow the local
populous to be helped, without directing their loyalty to the militants or
upsetting local government structures.
Indonesians depend on international shortwave broadcasting : Indonesia
consists of hundreds of  scattered islands without substantial
telecommunications infrastructure. Reliable telephone service only exists in
about 20 large cities, but not in the 30,000 small villages where most of
the population lives.
Poor telecommunications helps shortwave broadcasters by providing many
listeners in need of news from nearby islands and nations listening to news
via shortwave.

As of this time there are no broadcasters in the region that are capable of
helping the local inhabitants to morally resist the persuasive power of the
foreign militants.

Einstein used to say, "God may be sophisticated, but He's not plain mean."
What Einstein meant was that if you're playing against nature and trying to
discover a new principle of physics -- it may be a tough problem, but
there's nobody trying to outwit you. In war and terrorism there is always
someone who is not only trying to make it harder, but is trying to kill you.

-- R. James Woolsey, Strategic Analyst


What are the costs for not helping?

The Indonesian people (and other Islamic peoples in Southeast Asia) must be
persuaded to move their loyalties from the extremists to those of western

The Indian Ocean tsunami relief effort may have provided temporary goodwill.
This goodwill cannot last, and the extremists know this. They will be
preparing to attack, and will succeed  unless we can stop them by any means

Without using the tools of moral persuasion -- the following incidents may
become reality.

!!!! More Text !!!!


Advantages of the ALLISS transmission technology not shown here: other parts
of the world can be targeted at will.

Very few religious broadcasters target Pacific Islands nations individually,
but this precise targeting is possible with ALLISS technology.

The Russian Far East can be reached easily from PNG.
