Re: Call to Austrians: Please be nice to Americans
John Fallhammer wrote:
> "JN" <> wrote:
>>"Ryan Ginstrom" <> wrote in message
>>>It seems that in addition to a predilection for yodeling in lederhosen,
>>>many faults of Austrians include "persecuting" poor, unsuspecting American
>>>exchange students.
> "They basically picked on me," she said. "At first, I thought it was a
> joke. Then I just had it out with them and told them I came here to be
> treated respectfully.
> LOL. Red rag to a bull or what? I think I've met her.
>>>The vile abuses included calling Americans "sepos" and in one incident,
>>>telling an American student in a pub "I hate your president. I hate your
>>>It appears that many of the American students were shocked at the
>>>because they thought that "everybody likes Americans."
>>>Shame on you, Austrians!
>>Just so everyone knows: Not all Americans confuse Austria (a land-locked
>>country in Europe) with Australia (a much bigger country half way around the
>>world, occupying its own continent) The article is very clear about the
>>events occuring in Australia.
> Do all Americans think Australia is a continent? ;-p
All Austrians do.
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