"Richard Colton" <webmaster@NOSPAMuselessinfo.org.uk> wrote in message 
> "Ted" <OnThe@Upbtinternet.com> wrote in message 
> news:d90k4m$oio$1@nwrdmz01.dmz.ncs.ea.ibs-infra.bt.com...
>> "Blah" <blebla@ble.pl> wrote in message 
>> news:11mamissqbjm3$.dlg@asdhudahsda.pl...
>>> Hi!
>>> If anybody wan't to download free ringtones directly to cellphone using
>>> GPRS protocol - please go to http://free.ringtones.prokocim.org
>>> If have a website - you can add link to us
>>> <a href="http://free.ringtones.prokocim.org">Free ringtones</a>
>>> Thanks
>>> PS.
>>> If somebody need a static link exchange program - then should go to
>>> http://www.link-vault.com/?ss=2106
>> you'll end up paying without getting a thing.............
> Well seeing as you can grab all of it through your browser and the site 
> isn't actually selling anything I don't see what you're talking about.
> -- 
>>>>  Unlock Your Phone's Potential  <<<
>>>>        www.uselessinfo.org.uk       <<<
>>>>     www.thephonelocker.co.uk    <<<
>>>>      www.gsm-solutions.co.uk      <<<

then have a fukin go and see...............