Kevin Gowen wrote:
> B Robson wrote:
>>Kevin Gowen wrote:
>>>B Robson wrote:
>>>> wrote:
>>>>>B Robson wrote:
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>kuri wrote:
>>>>>>>>"¥$(D????(B¼¥$(D??(B" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>Is it standard procedure for real estate to ask for guarantor?
>>>>>>>>That used to be. Now in Osaka, most agencies accept that you take an
>>>>>>>>insurance instead of a guarantor.In fact, they prefer as they are sure
>>>>>>>>insurances will cover automatically if you fail to pay, while guarantors are
>>>>>>>>not always as sekinin as they should and realtors don't ask spending time
>>>>>>>>trying to get the money back.
>>>>>>>Not around here they don't. Every agency I went to between October last
>>>>>>>year and confirming the new declan manor required a guarantor. Do the
>>>>>>>insurers require a guarantor?
>>>>>>I'm sure you could have got someone to help you out
>>>>>None of the usual suspects unfortunately. One place I really wanted to
>>>>>move into in November was perfect but I couldn't obtain a suitable
>>>>>guarantor in time so I missed out on that one.
>>>>I know exactly how you feel. Did any of these people lie to you? There
>>>>was a time when I asked for help and the person lied to me repeatedly.
>>>>Don't know why, a simple "no" would have saved a lot of issues.
>>>>>My new place is pretty
>>>>>OK though - it took a while but eventually I found someone able to
>>>>I am sure you won't have any problems next time, you must still have a
>>>>lot of credit in the Kharma Bank.
>>>Declan, is Brett talking about when you fired him?
>>Hey, Kevin. How's your sex life? And how's the diet going? Low carbing?
>>Keeping the sodium low?
> Anyone's sex life is a mundane topic hardly worth comment. I mean, even
> earth worms [sic] do it, right? You may as well ask about someone's
> "respiration life".
> Feel free to regale us, though.

Disappointing, I was hoping you and your mate Neco could give me some 
tips, as you're a couple of studs.

I've found my fitness has gone down a bit lately. Any tips on getting 
back into shape?

Quote marks are usually used for quotation.